RE: Different weapon leans (Full Version)

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Ranloth -> RE: Different weapon leans (12/31/2013 7:22:35)


but if adding new stats because you just leveled up or something it wold cost more like it does now

Hm, that's another valid point you bring up. Damage upgrade costs more than stats, and +50 (+5) damage lean would have -20 less stats, thus ending up more expensive. To clarify, the prices would be standardized - so, no matter what weapon lean you choose upon purchase, it will always cost the same as neutral or -50 (-5) damage lean.

Armor values to stats.. They scale much slower, than damage on weapons, which is one thing that worries me in terms of Armor:stats ratio. Essentially, it's still 10:4, but not sure how the slower scaling works out. But I do see potential for some builds, especially with likes of Pistol Punch and Generator - being even more reliable source of HP/EP!

Thanks for bringing up yet another point, which I've missed out. :p

GearzHeadz -> RE: Different weapon leans (1/20/2014 14:46:32)

I think this idea deserves more attention, so I'm bumping it. It has a lot of potential and could bring so much more diversity to the game.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Different weapon leans (1/20/2014 15:24:40)

I fully support this, and it seems like many others do too.

At the moment, the only reason to buy new weapons (If you already have Physical/Energy versions of the weapon types you want) is for looks, like you've said. While that is fun to do, it is also a waste.

I liked and disliked the old weapon system, but this one seems perfect. This way, if I want to make a Str Mage, I can take some stats out for damage... Or, if I wanted to have my Sword fully damage along with my sidearm, while having my other weapons purely stats, I could.

This could diversify build-making and other things by twentyfold (I may be exaggerating a bit)!

This is a great idea.

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Different weapon leans (1/20/2014 19:22:48)

I really hope that this is put into the game.

Fully Supported.

~InFlamed Fury~

Ranloth -> RE: Different weapon leans (1/20/2014 20:02:37)

As expected of me, I've missed out yet another detail of the suggestion. <________>

We're all aware of stat cap on weapons, right? We can put 40% of our weapon's stats into one stat, so if we have +10 stats available, we can put maximum of +4 stats into one category. This system would remain on these leans - the less stats you have, the lesser the cap would be, and vice versa. It seems quite obvious, but at the same time, I could've meant you get more stats but your stat cap remains the same.

Just thought clarification would be ideal here.

Also, thanks for the support, everyone. :3

Xendran -> RE: Different weapon leans (1/20/2014 20:43:10)

One thing i've always wanted is for Mauls to be more like your traditional RPG maul, with more randomized damage, but the potential for massive hits.
For example, you'd have a mutator that has 330 damage, but when it's a maul it has 260-400 Damage.
Wouldn't really want this with the current game balance though, would make mercs and tac mercs even harder to use properly.

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