RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (Full Version)

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Jekyll -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 8:42:18)

Just tried. Level 35 Mechachillid gave 28 Credits, as usual. Looks like we need more info here...

Edit: Well, you got me all excited there for a moment.

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 8:52:47)

1,000 losses to level 39. Yes, 7,000XP to go.

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 12:18:51)


Several missions mentioned higher item requirements than what the mission actually needed

I guess this is about the Yeti training missions. Would appreciate more precise patch notes especially because
its not possible to check solved and locked missions for their tasks. This would help the Lore Masters of the
EpicDuel Compendium (me) and EpicDuel Wiki alot.

Im still missing all the new skill progression tables and formulas. Maybe you could reply to the message that
I did sent you some weeks ago Rabblefroth.

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 13:05:47)

The last mission of the "Running Errands" quests at Valestra requires 5 health sludges, 500 credits, while the mission only gives 250 as a reward. Completing that mission results in -250 credits.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 13:11:32)

@ geadheadz

I remember that mission was originally worth Battle tokens. But still need to either decrease the price of items needed for missions or increase the rewards for missions involving these.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 13:21:02)

@GearzHeadz I have actually covered that chain on my channel and it is the only chain I have found so far that results in negative credits but on the flip side you get a free weapon which you can sell and the Junker farming mission can make up the credit loss depending on your luck

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 13:48:24)

So I've been hearing that there are new CH builds...

Anyone care to enlighten me? I've been stuck with the same build for a month and it's getting really boring. Shield+Strike+Heal+Emp+Static+Rage Gun repeat. Lol I based it off Strength Tech Mage.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 13:56:04)

The one I have been seeing is a high energy, high health, Max massacre and poison build with max static charge, and energy gaining cores with hatching rush claws. I fought against this build and the few times I did win against them were all due to good planning with a bit of luck.

The people I happen to beat with this build on another note were extremely annoyed due to the luck I got when I did win.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 14:22:15)

I just fought a str ch and I let him max mass me, but I didnt know it was going to do that high dmg, Now I know, What im facing.

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 14:48:30)

120% damage at max. If he has 500 damage, he is dealing over 1000 damage, the average defenses are around 350-400 around the levels of 35-40.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 14:50:48)

Alright so I'm currently using this build (without hatchling)

It's a good build, just that it gets so unlucky

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 14:53:27)

I've also seen the build with blood hawk to destroy armor. That's pretty effective. Also spitting acid.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:19:10)

Correct Gearz Ik that and DUAL, its not unlucky, it uses Very low dex and tech.

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:22:21)

CH is gaining power lol!! ruthless ninja is mean :(

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:22:30)

I know

CN2025 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:30:06)

ruthless got lcuky and massacred me while criting with malf on i did'nt say any thing

then next battle i get a little lucky and healed and hes swears at me :3 calling saying that im lucky noob when last battle he jsut got lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorelosers should keep their traps shut

because when they lose their only comeback left is lucky noob...........

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:31:11)


Preach it brotha

axell5 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:39:31)

any idea wh ocame up with the build? And also, could someone pm me with the build? im not sure whats it? I know it's for a lvl 40 so if they could reduce the stats/skills for a lvl 37, please? [:)]

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:43:21)

Oh Ruthless

There is no need to be mean

Rayman -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:48:46)

Axel: Its not a new build, they used this same build for alot of classes back in delta, LIke bh and ch, 100 energy and max mass, Looks like its working again

axell5 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:50:51)

well could you pm me(since its not allowed here) about it, and if possible to be reduced to a lvl 37?

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:51:15)


If im not mistaken, frostblitz started it again. Ill post a screenshot of my build later when i get back home.

axell5 -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:53:24)

it's really frostblitz?

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 15:56:35)

Thats what i heard.

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= January 3rd, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.5.43 (1/4/2014 16:39:26)

Bah... I hope they do something about the black abyss items... They're just so powerful. Bot obliterates defenses. Weapon makes it so you can't even recover from it.

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