How does one request to have an AE fanfiction deleted? (Full Version)

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Chaosweaver Amon -> How does one request to have an AE fanfiction deleted? (1/3/2014 16:43:00)

I was wondering, where should I go if I intend to delete my story in the AE fanfiction forum? There isn't a delete button for my posts, so I was wondering if I should PM an ArchKnight? if so, who? Or are there other methods of getting rid of a story? Or do I just let it sort of sit and rot until it's forgotten? Thank you in advance!

Hollow Knight -> RE: How does one request to have an AE fanfiction deleted? (1/3/2014 17:24:29)

On the bottom here there's a list of Mods and Archknights you can contact to get them to remove it.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: How does one request to have an AE fanfiction deleted? (1/3/2014 22:34:58)

Alright, thank you!

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