If YOU could redesign a class (Full Version)

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GearzHeadz -> If YOU could redesign a class (1/4/2014 0:28:09)

Is there a class that you want to just redesign yourself? Have any interesting ideas that you thing that should just be there? Well put it here! This a forum of sharing ideas for a class that you'd like to see.
-Use only real skills
-Be reasonable with the skills you put in a class
-Skills using a specific weapon have to stay that way

kittycat -> RE: If YOU could redesign a class (1/4/2014 2:58:35)

If I have the ability to redesign Blood Mage, the first thing I would touch is:

Switch Super Charge for Toxic Grenade.

If I have the ability to redesign Tech Mage, the first thing I would touch is:

Return Deadly Aim back to Tech Mages.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: If YOU could redesign a class (1/4/2014 7:12:48)


And immediately you violate the first rule of 'only use real skills...'

Would replace CH's Shadow Arts with Bunker Buster.

Etrigan -> RE: If YOU could redesign a class (1/4/2014 21:50:52)

Replace Tactical Mercenary's field commander with bunker buster, replace mineral armor with hybrid armor, replace atom smash with static smash (It's a lot weaker but I want to be able to steal energy after mine's at zero.)

GearzHeadz -> RE: If YOU could redesign a class (1/4/2014 22:07:18)

I think smoke being back would be better then a bunker, but bunker could work too. It already has blood shield too, so hybrid armor isn't really needed. As for atom smash for static smash, yeah that'd be cool, but too much energy control.

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