Account achievments. (Full Version)

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Remorse -> Account achievments. (1/4/2014 4:28:34)

I think the ultra rare achievements as in the phase achievements should be shared between all characters within the same account as in all the characters slots on an account. (providing one of the character slots on the account has the achievement)

The reason being is the player playing those characters has earned the achievements of time and should be able to show them off on any account they are playing.

Keep in mind this does not include achievements that represent more of the character rather then the player, such as boss achievements since it was the character not the account that killed the bosses and hence it should not be shared on all characters within an account.

What do you guys think?

It will also gives a chance for players who missed a certain phase achievement on a character on their account to rightfully have the achievements representing how long they have been playing, providing a character in their account has it.

Scyze -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 6:57:36)

As much a I want this to happen, the character never existed in the past phases. If they didn't exist then, why should the Achievement be awarded?

Remorse -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 8:51:26)

Because the account did,

And the account/player should be able to show it off even if the character isn't that old, my opinion.

axell5 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 9:08:34)

i support this, just because you didnt thikn of creating another account at that time doesnt mean you havent played in that phase(whichever it is) so yes i support this

bestia immortalis -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 14:17:42)

Back in Gamma when the six-slot character system came out I just made all my characters in like a week or so. I only had the Gamma achievement with two of my characters and didn't pick them up with the other four because I thought that none of them would ever become a high level one. I was wrong. My main character right now is in the fourth slot and even though I created it in Gamma, it doesn't have the achievement. That kinda makes me facepalm myself at some times.
To sum up, I think account-based achievements are a good idea.

Mother1 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 14:35:32)

Not supported

if that character did not start in that phase he wasn't in that phase which means he/she does not deserve a free phase cheevo. All characters even if under the same account are individuals not one.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 14:51:41)

Yeah. I never claimed my Beta achievement. :/ even though my char existed at the time. I didn't start picking up achievements til late gamma, because I never understood them.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 14:53:12)

That would be awkward for a player who has an Alpha Badge, but no Alpha Blaster

GearzHeadz -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 14:55:05)

Back then rares were sellable, so players could just assume they aren't using them or sold them. I remember, as soon as I bought my stun guns I went to go and sell my phy and energy guns and I accidentally sold the energy stun gun instantly. ;(

Remorse -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 17:56:29)

It won't be awkward,
They will become "account achievements" and as such represent the account not the character.

Some achievements deserve to represent the account, and as long as it is clearly stated this will never be an issue unless your simply against benefiting players.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 18:11:16)

I support this. I mean if you retire your main account to switch to an alt because you think starting over would be more fun than the level cap grind is all of your time played invalid?

So I started in Dec of 09 and if I moved to an alt created today would that mean my time in Beta and Gamma does not exist on part of my account? Really allowing this would just put a time stamp on your account saying you have been playing EpicDuel since phase X. It would add a distinction to your account and the points you get from cheevos have no effect on the game itself so this is purely a cosmetic suggestion

Mother1 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 18:22:42)

@ remorse

this would also reward someone who has done nothing during their start phase to the present just because they they made their account during (insert X phase here) When others had who actually where playing or even coming online to just claim said cheevo already did. How is it fair to those who actually claimed the cheevo's on time that someone who did none of this or didn't even play during said phase get them just because their account was made in X phase?

GearzHeadz -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 18:29:38)

I do agree with Mother1 though. If the character was not made in that phase, why get the cheevo?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 18:31:06)

I don't think people who did not claim the cheevo should get anything. They had their chance to get the cheevo and they did not so tough luck to them

GearzHeadz -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 18:35:15)

A lot of players, especially new ones, don't know about cheevos or how they work.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 18:42:48)

That is from the Dev's dropping the ball on a tutorial of some sort. You create an account on EpicDuel and what happens? You are dropped in game with little to no explanation of what is going on.

Only reason I know this is because I recently taught my now ex how to play EpicDuel when she was looking for a new free game to play

I also think some of the better new players will click through the entire hot bar just to see what everything does. Get a feel of what they need to know and what they can forget about. Finally it was much harder to get achievements in the past as only a handful of NPC's even offered them so the new players do have it easy when it comes to cheevos

Remorse -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 20:10:28)

It honestly does'nt matter if you played much in the phases or not the point is they have the cheevo and their account deserves the representation.

Saying some players miss out is irelevent, plus nothing will ever be made if they fear someone missing out..

If they have the cheevo then it is fair.

Mother1 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/4/2014 22:01:11)

@ Remorse

Let's say I made an account during alpha, and with my main I faithfully got the phase cheevos one by one up until not. Then I made an alt in omega that wasn't around for those other phases. How is it right that this character that I made in omega to have Alpha tester, Beta tester, gamma tester, and Delta knight when it never existed in said phase.

That character never existed during none of these phases, and just because one character that actually claimed all these cheevos existed doesn't give a later character the right to claim something it wasn't around for.

Remorse -> RE: Account achievments. (1/5/2014 0:30:56)

^Im proposing they change that mind set and consider them account acheivments.

With obvious benefits.
What I want to know is why is the idea of rewarding loyal accounts/players is such a bad idea rather then just their characters?

Why does the character have to have an individual tocken from each phase when the player clearly earned it.

Mother1 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/5/2014 2:47:17)

@ Remorse

Because each character in itself is an individual character even if under the same account. And it isn't just with this that this rule applies. It also applies with weapons, Purchasing of varium Etc.

Remorse -> RE: Account achievments. (1/5/2014 2:59:09)

^Of coarse im just proposing an exception for a small amount of acheivments.

Their is no damn rule its their game they can do what the like, im just giving an idea.
Why do you shut down ideas with false barriers?

Mysterion. -> RE: Account achievments. (1/5/2014 4:07:04)

It's not a false barrier, it's a perfectly reasonable reason to not get this.

And how would you even make these account achievement system?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Account achievments. (1/5/2014 12:11:47)

Finally a real reason against this idea.

How could they be coded for them to show up on every account? Is it as simple* as changing the way that code modifies your account or as tedious as manually adding the cheevo to each of your alts?

*This meaning one change not easy to code

FlameBites -> RE: Account achievments. (1/18/2014 18:46:08)

I like this idea because it gives incentive to create a new character on the same account not on a different one

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