Magus Adnazei -> AQW Slots doubt. (1/4/2014 23:49:55)
Hello guy's i am a upgraded member and well i am full my bags, and i try to drop the items from the carnival event cause it takes all my space and when i try to drop them it said that those (AC'S only items) does not take space but actually they does... any help or advise? it said ( you may sell this item but there are no limit storage for AC items) Posts merged. Please do not double-post, as it is considered spam and only clutters the page. Next time use the [image][/image] button to add in any additional information to your post. If you do accidentally make an extra post then use the [image][/image] button to delete that extra post. For more information, please read the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules > Posting Behavior. ~Skurge, ArchKnight OSGD