AQW Slots doubt. (Full Version)

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Magus Adnazei -> AQW Slots doubt. (1/4/2014 23:49:55)

Hello guy's i am a upgraded member and well i am full my bags, and i try to drop the items from the carnival event cause it takes all my space and when i try to drop them it said that those (AC'S only items) does not take space but actually they does... any help or advise?

it said ( you may sell this item but there are no limit storage for AC items)

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Skurge -> RE: AQW Slots doubt. (1/5/2014 15:01:58)

AC items are all bankable (for free). You can bank as many AC items as you'd like, even if you don't have any slots. There's really no reason to delete them.
To add to that, please understand that questions pertaining to AQWorlds should be in the AQWorlds Q&A.

Seeing as this doesn't belong here and the question has been answered.. Steam-locked!

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