so the player base is low hmm (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


suboto -> so the player base is low hmm (1/7/2014 17:49:15)

Remember when the infernal war had bots in 1v1 and 2v2? Im not saying put them in 1v1 cause people would expolit them like a npc win.... So lets put some bots in 2v2 that go by 5's
5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40. with this lvl scaleing would be fixed. Quicker rate to find a battle,
The way the bots would work thats up to the epicduel programmers. an idea of 1 thing the bots could have is a alert to heal the team mate when players hp is below 30% etc etc....
I believe that a system like this would be perfect. Example: Legion bot/u vs exile bot/opponent
Temporary Idea until the player base is bigger

Mother1 -> RE: so the player base is low hmm (1/7/2014 18:12:43)

I made a suggestion like this before saying we should throw in NPC's into the battle system if wait times became too long, but in order for this to be fair the staff would have to make it so both sides have one NPC because 2 players versus one player and an AI is a high chance of defeat for the player with the AI.

Also they would need to make it so you can't get a 2 vs 2 match where you can get 3 NPC with one player.

Other than that I support this.

CN2025 -> RE: so the player base is low hmm (1/7/2014 18:39:20)

make it a choice where you can do normal 2v2 or ai 2v2 where each player gets an npc both types count towards 2v2 record

suboto -> RE: so the player base is low hmm (1/7/2014 18:49:36)

Not enough player base to make 2 opitions.

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