Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/9/2014 18:42:57)

I am writing this regarding the battle strategy section in the ED forums. I have a couple of questions if any AK's don't mind taking the time to answer;

I would basically just like to know why posting builds alone isn't allowed in the forums space. Back when this forum was here on the old edf, it was used for posting builds AND for requests. Because of people posting builds by themselves, I was able to find good builds to use at my level in ED. Back then the section was filled with posts and people helping each other out.

Once we merged here it worked a little differently, people posted big threads for builds such as, The Cyber Union, and the Ultimate Juggernaut Thread which was hosted by me. And there were also threads where players posted their builds that they have made. This made build making popular.

This was when players were actually getting help with their builds. But as of right now the section isn't thriving as much as it could and should be. Most players posts are ignored and ED is all about battling and as much as some players don't like it, it's about sharing strategies and builds with others.

I would like to request that you start to allow individual threads for builds again. Because this way, players can post their builds and the community can tell them how to make it better. This is a good way to help the community become closer and more enriched.

The support back when these threads were allowed was a good one. I am still playing Epic Duel today because of the battle strategy section when it was thriving, so many players helped me with making my builds better.

I think a lot of people would start posting there again if this was allowed. The community would really benefit and appreciate this.

Is this something you can change? Or is there a bigger reason as to why it's no longer allowed?


Ranloth -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/9/2014 19:44:52)

As an ED player, I will raise another point to support this - which the Forum Mods may not be aware of if they don't play the game themselves.

The purpose behind removal of so called Rating Centers which were used to help people, was the fact balance was changing constantly and different items had different stats - some rare, thus build was exclusive, or just outdated.

With the Omega release, all items became the same - it's all about the art and exclusive cores on items. This means every single weapon is the same, there is no stat difference and it's all about your level. This mean showcasing your build to others is possible + it may aid them. Why? Because all items are the same, therefore, anyone call pull off the said build, unless, of course, specific core is required.

This leaves balance changes, which occur every now and then. Of course, build x may not work after ____ balance change thus ends up being useless, but the ideology behind the build doesn't change. It may require different stat setup, but that one can be altered by the player to fit their preferences. No longer you need specific items.

Lastly, yes, you can create your own thread and ask for help, but you may not get an answer or an unexperienced player will reply, which may not be helpful. On the other hand, Rating Centers could be created on behalf of the section's AK, and thread given "[FAQ]" tag, as many guides do around AE Forum, and experienced players may be given permission to create them - forum history may also be taken into account. In a way, you'd always be guaranteed a reply, because the said guide will be your duty, and you cannot leave it unattended. This works out in players' favour, when it comes to build requests.

In conclusion, I believe there would be no harm in bringing back Rating Centers into ED Battle Strategy section, as long as there is permission given to create such thread, and players' forum and in-game experience is taken into account, so we won't end up in players who are bound to get banned and very poor reputation in game, as well as lack of experience, running a guide that's aimed to help the players of ED.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/9/2014 19:49:08)

Definitely supported.

I see many, many topics in the Epic Duel Battle Strategy Section unanswered, and I believe it would help many players, new and old alike. Right now, almost everyone (That I see in 1v1) is using the same Build(s), because they work... And the players using them seem to think it's the only good build. If we could post our own Builds in Battle Strategy, then people could come up with even better and much more fun builds.

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/9/2014 22:22:09)

I support 169%. I was mad when they got rid of those threads. One thing I love the most about EpicDuel is learning about other's strategies, and last time I checked it is called Battle Strategy forums not Build Request forums.

The Game -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/10/2014 16:54:27)

As the head moderator of ED Strategy and a former AK in CR&A (Character Ratings & Advice), I want to clarify the removal of the class threads and why rating centers will never happen again.

The primary justification for the removal of the class threads is that they undermined the forum itself. Class threads were where players could request builds and discuss strategies. Likewise, that is also the very purpose of the forum. With the previous model, requests would become lost in the shuffle. With the current model, it is easy to delineate whether or not a request has been answered. Furthermore, having that vital information in the thread title allows the build maker to see at a glance which requests he can fulfill and which he cannot. There are certainly unanswered threads, but that is no different from requests lost in the shuffle in the class threads.

Contrary to what is being stated, the current model does not stifle discussion on strategy. If you have a correction with one of the builds created in any of the threads, there is no reason why there cannot be discussion for the purpose of better assisting the player in need. The onus is on to what extent players are willing to adapt to the new model and continue offering their services. When these changes where first announced, several players posted in the announcement thread that they were through with ED Strategy. If there is no effort to work within the system from such individuals, then the community as a whole suffers. Those individuals made it clear that their primary objective was not to assist unless they could be in favorable, controlled circumstances. For those who did not react to change like a personal threat, they continued to assist their fellow player.

As for the proposal for rating centers, I am afraid that this is not possible. Some of you may or may not be aware, but AQ and DF had rating centers since their inception. In 2009, the CR&A forums were incorporated into their respective Q&A forums. Rating centers were henceforth disallowed, aside from the existing two that were allowed to continue. This happened for a reason. The way CR&A operated was that, you had what was called an open forum and a rating forum. In its early days, this meant that rating centers were housed among the rating request threads. At one point, rating centers were so popular that they had an entire sub-forum dedicated to them. But, as time passed, the number of people willing to dedicate the time to becoming a rater sharply declined. I have my theories as to why that was, but that is a story for another time. The sub-forum collapsed back into the open forum where the request threads were. Not long after, I took a hiatus and blues became heavily involved in the game-side functions of MQ. This left CR&A with no AKs. It was decided that, because of the confluence of inadequate moderation staff and unfortunate instances were "head" raters abused their authority to determine who would be hired to their center, rating centers were no more. On a personal level, I do believe that rating centers when ran transparently are powerful agents of assistance to the community. But, given the outstanding issues that plagued previous rating centers, I do not foresee them making a return. The only possible way is to have it run by the forum's AKs. As you all know, ED is sorely lacking in that department when it comes to adequate moderation. Assuming additional responsibilities of running a rating center is too much to ask.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/10/2014 18:42:05)

Okay, that's understandable, but why can't we post our own builds? That was what this thread of primarily about. Thanks for explaining why we cannot have the threads for certain classes, I have to agree with you on that one, except that the numbers showed that more people did get help with builds when those threads existed. But I digress, because it does ruin the purpose of other threads to exist there, and it should not come back.

What should be allowed is posting your own build. It's not a Build Request section, it's a battle strategy section, both should be allowed should they not?

The Game -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/10/2014 19:13:18)

When we redesigned the forum, we modeled it after a hybrid of how CR&A use to operate and how AQ Strategy currently operates. ED Strategy is primarily for build requests as CR&A use to be and allows Battle Strategy Guides (BSG) like AQ Strategy. We do not want the forum to be taken over by people posting their own builds, but we do want to encourage full-length guides. There have been a few from what I have seen, but they have not gotten a regular flow of traffic as to keep them on the first page. If you visit the AQ Guides forum, we want these guides to be more of the quality of the Training Academy series rather than a dozen or so threads with the plain build on the first post. We have the =ED= Battle Strategy Helpful Guides thread set up already so that, if we do see a guide of such caliber, we could add it in. This way, players would be able to find the thread if traffic pushes it down. If the guide is of sub-par quality, the policy has been to leave them alone to fall down the pages. In sum, we want limit the number of threads where players post their builds while ensuring that there is an avenue for them to do so if their thread is of high quality. At which point, I do not mind if discussion ensues over the pros and cons of build variations as long as it is related to improving the quality of the guide.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/10/2014 20:19:29)

Builds in Epic Duel and builds in AQ are extremely different. In ED you change you build almost every 3 days or every other week. Whereas in AQ, you tend to keep the same build for sometimes years at a time.

If the board got filled up with build people make I think it would be better than it is now. Because when someone needs a build they can just got look for one in the battle strategy section. If they cannot find antyhing they need, they can make a build request thread.

In order to make people visit the sub-board you need to establish its own community first. If you establish a community of build makers, they will be more likely to visit the strategy section and actually give the people that request new builds good ones.

But right now it is a board filled with Spam. It's actually a lot worse this way and I hope you understand why, if not, I blame my writing skills lol.

The help that people get there now isn't actually helpful at all, because the people you see in the battle strategy section arn't the ones who are good at the game and when people give them builds, they don't work. This is because the people viewing it are the ones that have problems with builds.

Either way, something about the board needs to get fixed in order to make things start to work again, because it used to be a popular section and now nobody posts there anymore.

I am determined to work toward a conclusion on this issue, as builds and battling are what makes up most of the game.

I'm glad that we can post build guides though. I'm not sure if much people know that. If they did there might be more threads. The thing about the guides though, is that it can get confusing to an AK on trying to figure out which topic is a helpful guide and which is just a series of different builds for a class.

That wouldn't be too much of a problem if it changes though.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Improved Battle Strategy Section in Epic Duel (1/23/2014 22:47:44)

It's been 2 weeks since the last reply. I still think this would be a positive change.

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