The ability to move Special cores to other weps (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Elloisoul -> The ability to move Special cores to other weps (1/11/2014 21:28:24)

My suggestion is simple im suggesting if we can put locked cores(Azrael will,Hatcling Rush,that aux that uses a dimension hole and that azrael aux) core to other weps as well as passives like(Stun gun and Crtical hit) so that we can synergies them make more combinations

Elloisoul -> RE: The ability to move Special cores to other weps (1/11/2014 21:31:21)

As well as making them work with each other example using energy shot while u use dage shotgun is that you take energies from 2 enemies and stun gun+ energy shot you have stun chance as well as that aux that uses 10% hp of enemy core to have astun chance of stun blast is equipt

GearzHeadz -> RE: The ability to move Special cores to other weps (1/11/2014 21:36:36)

Eh, no. This would totally take away the purpose on any unique item. AND overpower items by the way you suggest putting multiple cores together.

(If you want a way to drain multiple enemies' energy, use plasma rain, a primary core that drains 25% of all enemies max energy)

Ranloth -> RE: The ability to move Special cores to other weps (1/11/2014 21:48:02)

Devs have already said that unique cores will remain locked to their respectable weapons. In other words, this will not happen.

Mother1 -> RE: The ability to move Special cores to other weps (1/11/2014 22:14:34)

The staff already mentioned even before omega started that certain items would never have their cores unlocked for the purpose of said items being able to keep their identities.

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