Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/30/2014 18:06:40)
Hey Zyrain! 'Ello Legion Slicer Silencer! If I recall correctly, you have played Final Fantasy X? If so, favorite aeon? Yes, I absolutely love FFX! Hrm, tough choice. I'll go with Bahamut. /me pays Yojimbo to perform Zanmato on you >:D :o No fair! Favorite flavor of crayon? Erm, I can't say that I've ever actually tasted a crayon haha. Though I'm sure it would be cyan. :P Well, time to go back to la la land! See ya around High Summoner Zyrain. c: Hehehe, bye Grand Maester LSS! ~LSS