A bank for builds ? (Full Version)

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coolboyelazizy -> A bank for builds ? (1/14/2014 22:30:31)

Here we go.

How about making a bank for your own builds and u will still bay the 250 fee of retraining cuz i guess (for me and many other lazy people :D) it's a pain to retrain :D .

Feel free to discus or suggest anything. ~DarkTeleport

Trollok!!! -> RE: A bank for builds ? (1/15/2014 10:52:14)

I don't think it's a bad idea. If the coders are able to make something like this happen, I'm all for it. In fact, I think this has been suggested many times before.

coolboyelazizy -> RE: A bank for builds ? (1/15/2014 11:07:24)

first of all thank you for your answer.

second I don't know if it was suggested before I just felt we needed it in-game.

Ranloth -> RE: A bank for builds ? (1/15/2014 11:58:40)

Well, you can always take a screenshot and save it online or on your PC. Does the same thing. If it was already considered by the Devs and will be done, expect it to be VERY low priority, so you may see it in few years time - because it's not something necessary and would be coded in the spare time, which is almost non-existant.

FrostWolv -> RE: A bank for builds ? (1/15/2014 12:08:24)

Even though we can make a screenshot ....................Devs can make this varium only feature as it costs server's space which costs money

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ED Divine Darkness -> RE: A bank for builds ? (1/15/2014 14:57:18)

@above, add a revert to build option, which does all your stats and everything according to the saved build :D

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