Balance (Full Version)

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Cyber Dream -> Balance (1/15/2014 6:48:08)

We all know that once one class/skill is nerfed, another rises. Leading to the fact that balance is nearly impossible. So why not try something new? Revisit all the skills, maybe redo/replace some. Add more so that we have a variety to choose from. Give each class a skill that will give them a advantage/bring strategy. Give each class a skill that will give you a way to recover from the other classes unique skill. Now I know that some of you will say " The devs won't add new skills until the ones we have now are balanced" Well maybe if we had a horde of skills to choose from then balancing won't be so hard. Everyone wouldn't have/focus on the same skills. In my opinion, balance can't be achieved with so little skills available for each class.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Balance (1/15/2014 6:55:26)

You know why this is a bad idea ?

Player suggests a idea

The staff either say point blank no or implement it with a few changes turning it into a complete disaster and months of hell till they fix it.

when they fix the problem this creates 4 more worse problems which take them months to fix this has been the cycle since early beta.

Ranloth -> RE: Balance (1/15/2014 7:00:23)

...That's exactly why they're trying to make each class have separate set of skills, instead of having duplicates of the same move; nerfing one move shared by two classes, will affect both - instead of one, which may've been only intended.

It's also why no balance is being done on weekly basis, or at least major changes, because these need time. With TWO people coding these changes + weekly content needing to be coded as well, and a handful or so, of Testers having all of this to check, it's not gonna be done quickly.

Things are easy to suggest and believe x suggestion will fix balance, but not even the player suggesting the said idea, will know the aftermath of the change. With major changes, Devs and Testers alike, can foresee part of the aftermath - i.e. the bad points of ___ change - and try to fix it before releasing it, but not everything can be spotted - sometimes, the playerbase will find it all at cost of imbalance, but it's impossible to pull off a perfect balance change, without any imbalance, whether it's minor or major.

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