Static Charge Mechanics. (Full Version)

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Remorse -> Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 15:52:15)

I think they should change static charge to work like assimilation as in it has fixed gain amounts that improves with STR instead of working on damage %s.

As a result blocks wont ruin the regain and malf won't overpower the regain.
It will make CH builds more relaible (without overpowering them) wothout being crippled by blocks and it will mean static charge is more useful for non STR builds.

Mother1 -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 16:02:33)


I would like to actually see more variety within this class since there is very little if any amount this class.

Ranloth -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 16:18:53)

Wouldn't it be better if you just give it % ignore to defenses, just for the Energy return? I've been playing on my L29 CH lately, and I like using Static Charge to delay rage by one more turn, in favour of IA. .-.

Unless it'd still work this way, which is unblockable damage + doesn't spend your rage - or at least doesn't spend your rage, maybe - then I'm fine. It's a petty thing, yes, but I'm liking it. <_>

Remorse -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 16:48:30)

Problem is trans their isn't many way to make the energy return fixed and the damage blockable.

Because if you are suggesting they make the damage unblockable then will greatly overpower the Str builds since with cores and guns etc they would pretty much be able to loop unblockable attcks making them not need dex and greatly overpower them.

Altador987 -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 16:50:27)


I would like to actually see more variety within this class since there is very little if any amount this class.

when it first came out it used to have so much variability to it, but apparently it was overpowered then... i'm assuming it was op as a varium player (i refused to buy varium for such outrageous advantages at that time) as a regular cy hunter was actually pretty hard to work out... but i feel the way static worked then would work fine now... it seemed aa though cy hunter were meant to be second to a mage as far as energy control and even now with the buff it's pretty laughable

Ranloth -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 16:53:53)

Eh, damage is already unblockable under the current system though - it's an unblockable melee attack, which cannot be raged nor crit, at all. I don't see how it'd be different, with %-ignore to Energy, since that's how it's initially worked (but blockable damage).

Mother1 -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 16:55:34)

@ altador987

No kidding because when cyber hunter got the buff to static charge guess what? The staff in their attempt to make matches longer nerfed primary, sidearm, and aux damage by 2 (20 now) damage. Since Cyber hunter's static is dependent of primary damage the buff they got also received and indirect nerf due to this.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:06:48)

Yeah, the way I see it they should either give it the ability to ignore a % of defenses with level, or give it a fixed energy return.

Remorse -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:21:55)

Wow I didn't know it was unblocable...
Pretty silly buff since it specefically buffs str builds alone really.
If they do the fixed energy change they should make the damage blockable but like assim the regain will remain the full amount.

Unblockable and free constant Str moves is asking for abuse if not now after a few op current classes are nerfed.

Ranloth -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:29:01)

But it cannot be critted nor used on rage, it's just unblockable hit with your Primary weapon - nothing else. As much as it looks "strong", it really isn't.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:30:56)

Its not like it drains enemies' as well. Just regains. And unluck TM which can energy abuse, this would be its only energy regain source outside of cores.

Remorse -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:32:59)

I realize that but I still think it is begging for abuse since for one Str builds don't really crit anyway and the can always use unblockable cores for rage.
It means as a Str build they don't need dex which is a pretty big advantage maybe not now while other OP outshine it but later on probably.

Ranloth -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:40:28)

Don't really crit =/= don't crit. Even though it's low chance, players still get frustrated when players deflect/block with minimum chance (2-5%'ish). So how is it different here?

It's funny though. Even though it's "begging for abuse", it's not even being abused, because it's impossible to abuse it. It's essentially unblockable Strike, minus rage and crits. Just like your Aux/Gun, but that one can be raged + critted, but also deflected.

Even if "other OP outshine it", I don't see how that matters. Players claimed Str+Support CHs were powerful, due to Malf + synergy it has after passives were removed (no need to bother with some skills). Even though SC is unblockable, it was not abused at all - not to the point where it needs a nerf. It is balanced because it cannot crit nor be raged.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:41:01)

It also doesn't give rage.

Remorse -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:49:52)

^Hmm I didn't realize it doesn't give rage either,
That makes it slightly more acceptable and not because of what trans said all I read then is what I already know and disagree with.

Even still it should be made more flexable for non Str builds by making it like assim.

And that means it should give rage and be blockable (but still give the full energy amount) the bonus over assim is it will be 100% damage which makes up for the fact assim drains and has a small regain.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:53:32)

It is also this class's only way to regain energy. Assimilation is in a class with battery back-up as is, so it does deserve an advantage over assimilation.

Remorse -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:56:14)

Being 100% damage is a pretty good advantage plus it will give a decent amount of energy around 20'-35 depending on Str.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 17:59:34)

Which is a decent amount, which is what the class needs in order to compete.

Altador987 -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 18:15:16)

@ mother

honestly i think feel the cooldown screws it up you can regain at the same rate that they can steal... what's the point, plus even with str abuse you're really not getting a huge chunk of mp back

Mother1 -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 19:14:59)

@ remorse

Static does give rage. That was bug when the buff came out but they fixed that last I remember. However I personally think what they did was a bad thing since even though it is an energy gainer they made the strike unblockable meaning it is a free unblockable hit that can be used whenever it is off cooldown.

Remorse -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/16/2014 19:31:25)

^Exactly I have the same concerns with the skill which is why I even more want it to be changed like assim.

If it still gives rage then I think it will likely be abused once they nerf techies and BHs.

coolboyelazizy -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/17/2014 5:18:16)


cuz at the way it's now only STR abusers will take the advantage but if it is with fixed numbers STR and nonSTR will use it at a fair way.

FrostWolv -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/17/2014 9:53:31)

@ Remorse

Instead of giving it assimilation way (fixed amount of enrgy which increases with str) ..... I want Cybers to get the Static Charge when it was released for the first time

Oldest Static Charge Mechanics:

Gives % energy based on primary weapon's damage
Improves with: None
Weapon Required: Any
Cool down: Two turns
Damage Block-able but energy gain Unblock-able

It will give lower advantage to str builds + make the game more diverse .................... (it was nerfed because PA was introduced .... now PA is nothing like what it was)

Mother1 -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/17/2014 11:31:05)

@ frostwolv

Actually static's oldest form was it gave back 60% energy at max but it didn't ignore energy defenses. It was later on made like that (to ignore enemy defenses) because they were getting owned by almost everyone but especially tactical mercenaries.

FrostWolv -> RE: Static Charge Mechanics. (1/17/2014 11:35:32)

^ maybe I should have said Old Cyber Mechanics .... anyways its more consistent or rather I should say constant than assimilation and solves many issue's that Cyber Hunter is having

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