RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (Full Version)

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friend18 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:35:57)


just some misleading advertising? cause that special offer doesn't give you any of those items in aqw, their in his birthday shop

There was clearly a miscommunication between the OS team and the AQW team. The promo provides players with the Bitterfrost Dragonkin pet in AQW. The OS promo was just added on as an added bonus to the Winter 2014 Special Bonus.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:41:43)

i think they would have made more money if they had made it a $20 package

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:42:18)

Someone dropped the ball on this >.>

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:43:21)

I think we can assume at this point that the Oversoul/AQW deal is bugged. My recomendation to anyone who suffers this is to go to the player support page here: find the appoprate place and contact details, and get in touch. Odds are they will give you the item or items manually if you provide or they can get proof of purchase.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:43:54)

@CyberDoom: I did not ignore your question on Overfiend blade, I just could not answer it. I never used Overfiend Blade before, nor do I have it, since it costs SG and I only have 3 SG right now.

And I'm not very good at analyzing Fire characters. They all look the same to me. LOL.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:44:57)

@Megakyle777 thank you I asked like 6 people and know one knew how to contact support.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 1:51:46)

Well, you know, I try to help where I can. I also suggest any further questions go in the appropriate Q and A thread. Ak's have been known to delete posts off topic even if they do help, though generally this is only done in the case of spam and any such threads with a answer are locked instead so they can see them.[;)]

Anyway, I will hopefully be getting Nulgath's Shadow soon. Oh, and some SGs or something. Though it will only be 80 SG since i plan to get the next part of DF's Doomknight deal.

99th Dracopyre -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 3:22:56)

I don't get how you get nulgath's Shadow.

Do I have to buy the 10k Artix Points Package? Not the total accumulated Artix Points I've gathered so far?
Until when is the promo?


The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 3:25:39)

You have to buy the 10k Artix Package.

Edit: I wasn't able to get Nulgath's Shadow through 10k Artix Points deal, but I did get a pet in AQWorlds, so I got that going on for me, which is alright.

Sargar -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 3:52:01)

But who is actually best? Nulgath or DFR?

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 3:59:30)

Nulgath seems to have a very costy deck. 2x Void Reflects, 2x Shadowfires, 2x Poisons and a few attack cards. No way to tell yet.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 4:30:01)

DFR is better than Nulgath's shadow due to DFR having lower cost effective than Nulgath's shadow.

No Life Drain at all, Nulgath's shadow is really too offensive. Still, even Nulgath's shadow can be really strong provided with the proper use of it. The real Nulgath will never be possessed/obtain by us till the day is come but that will be a very long time later in the future.

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 4:56:50)

Sustain doesn't necessarily make a good shadow character. Personally I dislike the 8 cost of Life drain, even if it heals for 400. You'd need to stay on the high end of charges, which normally means I can't afford to do all the small attacks. 2x Void reflections is a huge problem to me. Void Reflection really only works again Water/Light who only really has piercing damage to counter Void reflection, meanwhile other elements have dots or insanely high defensive cards to deal with it.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 6:39:58)

Well I bought the 10k package to help support the server and I hope I get my Shadow Nulgath soon.

As costly as his deck sounds it pretty much one of those end game deck plays plus some extra CC will make it more hardy in battle.

Yeah the OS thing is not showing up on the redeem prize code.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:01:33)

If a player already purchase their 10K AP, they should automatically receive Shadow Nulgath just like SG package. I am not sure why it should redeem code when its only for Heromart items.

AQisFuN -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:05:28)

That's because that's how the system works. What if you want the code for another Oversoul account? [;)]

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:10:19)

Actually, our OS account is link to Artix Master Account. ;) Its just like buying SG package, you login to your Artix Master Account which is also our OS account and then purchase it.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:13:57)

Well I might as well wait until they fix it because I have no way of contacting customer support about this and I'm sure Capt. Rhubarb knows the issue.

Reason why I have no way is because I don't really know how even though I checked through the help pages about it.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:18:02)

Look on the bright side: at least you don't have MY issue, which was caused by sheer stupidity. I'd tell you all it, but I'm gonna wait until I can hopefuly resolve it with Player Support. (Which may not occur, and they have every right to ignore it because of my sheer dumbbuttery.[:@]

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:28:00)

Makes me question how the other players were able to receive Nulgath even though the codes are not working at the current moment.

Oh well I was able to use the 10k to buy 250 SGs so I have currency for later characters and CC.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:35:19)

Ask Beck, he is currently the only forumite around here who receive Shadow Nulgath.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:36:12)

Mondez: My guess is that it works for some and not for others. That has been known to occur.[;)]

But yeah, it's entirely possible that I'm not getting Nulgath's Shadow.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:41:38)

I received the info from someone(Layne) that there should be a glitch where some can't get it as it should be under the "redeem code". You will have to wait till the issue is fix. I am sure Captain Rhubarb is aware of the issue and is fixing it when he is ready to.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:45:28)

Just calm down guys. When player support fixes this you will all probably be given your Nulgath Shadow and other items manually, or be given your codes.

ME, on the other hand... I may have lost the chance to get it at all because I looked at a currency converter rather then the payment screen.[:@][:@][:@]

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 17th January, 2014 - Nulgath's Birthday Gifts! (1/21/2014 7:49:28)

Chill down, even you won't be able to get Shadow Nulgath, its only a shadow. That means the real Nulgath can still be yours to obtain in the future. It may take 5 years or so depending if the storyline is release asap and releases go smoothly. That's the bright side as real Nulgath can still be possess by everyone. ;)

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