Daily Mission timer (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Silver Sky Magician -> Daily Mission timer (1/18/2014 0:05:00)

I suggest that the actual time till missions reset be shown. Like, if it's 50 minutes, tell me it's 50 minutes, not something like 23 hours. It's very confusing, and it's annoying when you're on the verge of completing the last quest and it all resets. To make it absolutely clear, say _ time LEFT.

Remorse -> RE: Daily Mission timer (1/18/2014 1:56:31)

Doesn't it say how long is left when you talk to the maintenance bot?
Or has that changed?
That is the yellow /grey bot in central Station.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Daily Mission timer (1/18/2014 2:07:15)

Yeah, but it's inconvenient to talk to the maintenance bot, and what's more, there's already a daily mission timer. I'm just asking that the daily mission timer not be misleading. Two hours before mission reset, it said that I had '1 day left' for the missions. An hour before, it was 23 hours. Absurd.

ShadowyShadow -> RE: Daily Mission timer (1/22/2014 6:37:05)

I support this,and i also think it would be convenient if they would show the time of power hour without needing to talk to an npc

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