Stun skills (Full Version)

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Drianx -> Stun skills (1/19/2014 16:42:19)

All Stun skills - Overload, Plasma Grenade, Stun Grenade, Maul - should cost 0 energy.

All other technical aspects should remain the same.

These skills are hardly used anyway, and this would be the last resort of a dying duelist to turn the tide of a match.

Remorse -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 16:47:06)

Not supported this will be so easily abused.

What they should make to help what your wanting.

Is a sheild that protects against energy drains.
Or perhaps a curse like hatchling rush but instead of heals reduces the opponents drains by 50%.
Anything that helps counter drains will help variety.

SKRALL213 -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 16:55:15)

So I can guess that to you no one uses stun??? Every battle I fight my enemy trys to stun every time, right now the stun skill is abused, it should be nerf IMO.
Not supported. Only because like Remorse said it will get abused.

Drianx -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 16:58:44)

What if they place a 3-turn warmup, and a 3-turn cooldown?

My intention is to make it a chance for the loser, not an abusable treat.

SKRALL213 -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 17:03:53)

I understand what you mean, I can support that, heck a 2-turn warm up would be good, just the fact that Overload can do 400+ Damage alone as is, a stun to it can lead to a two hit power house combo depending if it stuns and/or its maxed out.

Remorse -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 17:17:00)

If you want to be able to use a last resort attack you should be able to set yourself up to be able to use it.

And by the same tocken your opponent deserves the power to prevent the last resort skill.
It should come down to strategy granted drains are hard to prevent now but thats another issue.

Making it free is a terrible idea no matter the warm up or cool down because your opponent does not deserve to be cheated of a win because of un-counterable and very likely luck.

Drianx -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 17:29:32)


Making it free is a terrible idea no matter the warm up or cool down because your opponent does not deserve to be cheated of a win because of un-counterable luck.

Wait, the stun skills only have 30% base chance to stun. It's not unavoidable.
And if you can win a fight by successfully stunning your opponent, it means the fight was rather tight anyway.
My suggestion has smaller impact than you think; all stuns cost about 120-130 energy at level 1.
So making them free is not a huge change.
But it could be the last resort of a class that has run out of energy (mercenary) facing a class than has no energy problems (tech mage).

Remorse -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 17:47:27)

30% is a huge amount,

Lets say because its free every close battle you had but were about to win but then they stunned you because it has no cost.

It would be a no brainer decesion to use the stun making you lose 30/100 close battles you should of won.

Also tech mages do have energy problems if anything tech mages benefit the most from this because overload builds are actully strong.

You seem to think tech mages would get no benefit from this, do you not realse this change further boost tech mages energy pool making them even harder to counter with drains.

I pretty positive this will buff techies the most.

Drianx -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 18:02:22)

Well, my suggestion is no excuse for not fixing the OPed mages problem.

Therefore I'm just looking at it as out of the actual, biased context.

Remorse -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 18:12:00)

And even in that context I am strongly agianst this idea.

Don't get me wrong I understand the importance of luck.
But if stun skills became free and un counterable it will greatly effect lucks influence in battles alone by so much that I would persoanlly not stand it and quit.
If the game becomes to much of luck then where is the fun in strategy and out smarting your opponent? I'll tell you it will almost be completely gone and definitely destroy the game for me.

Imagine almost every close game being determined by luck alone, it would be horrible.

At least when it costs energy you can associate last resort attempts with good strategy or poor strategy from your opponent, this is not the case if it was free.

Xendran -> RE: Stun skills (1/19/2014 21:54:01)

I see Maul and Overload used constantly... overload builds are almost as strong as heal loop bludgeoners...
This just seems like an excuse to bring in maximum luck factor to the game.

ShadowyShadow -> RE: Stun skills (1/20/2014 7:57:27)

not supported,as the others have said this can really be easily abused.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Stun skills (1/20/2014 12:09:29)

Try playing at the low end where darn near every mage has a stun build and even some of the bounty hunters throw around stun grenades all day every day.

Sorry mate not supported

Mother1 -> RE: Stun skills (1/20/2014 12:14:02)

Not supported in the least. this would make stun builds even more powerful especially at lower levels where they are more potent.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Stun skills (1/20/2014 12:48:10)

Can you imagine a dex Mage?

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