Boss Achievement Rating Rework (Full Version)

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NDB -> Boss Achievement Rating Rework (1/21/2014 19:26:02)

I feel like the amount of ratings that the boss achievements are worth don't really make much sense relative to how hard the bosses/NPCs are. I think that Charfade, Rabblefroth, Nightwraith, and Titan Boss achievments should be worth 2,000, or at least make Charfade be 1,750. These four Boss NPCs are the hardest NPCs in the game now that they are level 40 so they should be worth extra ratings (assuming standard is 1,750). Slayer seems a bit easy in my opinion because he only has physical damage attacks so his achievement should be worth slight less than 1,750. For the 2v1 Bosses, I think that the Armor Hazard achievement is worth too much relative to the others, especially because he is easier than Administrator 10 and Exile Leader. I also think they should consider adding achievement drops for Administrator 11, Dravax, Edgar Booth, and King Alaric. For the actual Bosses (level is boss), I think George Lowe is worth quite a bit too much, especially because he is easier to beat than Davarril or Black Abyss Spider. Davarril and Black Abyss Spider should also both have 1,750 rating achievements because they are the exact same difficulty except that Black Abyss Spider has Hatchling Rush Core.

Anyway, here are the current boss achievements and the amount of ratings each one is worth:

NPC Boss Achievements:
Hank's Leg: 900
Overlord's Helmet: 1,350
Charfade's Helmet: 1,400
Caden's Eye: 1,750
Tuna's Surfboard: 1,750
Slayer Shuriken: 1,750
Rabblefroth's Tome: 1,750
Nightwraith's Hat: 1,750
Titan's Helm: 1,750

2v1 Boss Achievements:
Administrator 10 Slayer: 1,750
Exile Leader Slayer: 1,750
Ebil Crusher: 1,750
Hazard Heart: 2,121

Boss Achievements:
Abyssal Exterminator: 1,750
Arbor Annihilator: 2,000
Tungsten Fist: 3,000

Mother1 -> RE: Boss Achievement Rating Rework (1/21/2014 20:17:35)

For decreasing the rating points any cheevo is worth not supported. Image the surprise of a person who unexpectedly losing a rating star because the boss cheevos they got suddenly lost rating points. Wouldn't be fair for anyone who has beaten them in the past in the least.

NDB -> RE: Boss Achievement Rating Rework (1/21/2014 20:36:50)

I never said the ratings need to be lowered, just adjusted so they are relative to the difficulty of the boss they drop from. In fact, the ratings could be increased on the achievements rather than decreased.

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