Timeline switch (Full Version)

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Harris8300 -> Timeline switch (1/23/2014 5:45:24)

(In AQW, there was always a hero to save the day. As we learned from Iadoa in The Span in the other timelines we were not there to save Lore. In the chaos realm, as Drakath almost kills the hero he reveals)
Drakath: The 13th lord of chaos is...
(A black shadowy figure comes and kicks Drakath.)
???: My name is the Flashmaster, and I am the 13th lord of chaos! Master, we musn't kill him yet remember?
Drakath: Yeah, but you didn't have to kick me.
Flashmaster: Hero, I control time and time here is finished!
(Flashmaster plunges the Hero into portal of chaos. The Hero wakes up in a different Battleon where everything is black and white)
Hero: Where am I?
Artix: You're in Battleon of course! How could not recognize it?!
Hero: I know but where are the monsters?
Artix: There are no monsters on Lore, have you lost your mind?!
Hero: What are you talking about, I need to defeat Drakath!
Artix: Drakath?! The champion of Order?! Why when he's brought peace for so many years?!
( Artix lunges at the Hero and starts fighting him)

Quest#1: Defeat Artix
Try to reason with Artix.
0/1 Artix defeated
2500 gold
1500 xp

Hero: Sorry Artix, but I need to do my job.
Mirror Drakath: Hero, is that you?
Hero: Mirror Drakath?!
Mirror Drakath: Flashmaster switched our timelines so they'd have you out of the way. Now our timeline is in chaos! We need to find Warlic!

Quest#1: Find Warlic
Search Battleon for Warlic.
0/1 Warlic found
0 gold
0 xp
Quest#2: Set up portal
Place these dishes around the town.
0/6 Dishes placed
0 gold
0 xp
Quest#3: Fight your way back
Get back to Lore and destroy any monster that stands in your way (All chaos warrior, rogue, mage and healer monsters have to be defeated to pass all 10 rooms)
0/1 Lore reached
1000 gold
1000 xp
( The Hero gets back to Lore to find everything destroyed and everyone dead. The Flashmaster is there too. The Hero lunges at him in fury)

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