2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (Full Version)

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Xendran -> 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/30/2014 18:17:31)

With the introduction of free gear from the tutorial, we should now prevent players from entering 2v2 unless they have both an auxiliary and sidearm.
Along with this, we should allow two pairs of Ally Linked friends to challenge each other (wins obviously don't count), so they can mess around without being restricted by this requirement.

Ranloth -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/30/2014 18:27:47)

Wouldn't my idea be potentially better for 2v2 gear requirement: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21565298

I like the Ally Link for Challenge 2v2 though. Could be interesting to test 2v2 builds, obviously.

Xendran -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/30/2014 18:34:16)

Combination of both ideas would be the best.
Even better for your idea, is if they act like the Basic Armor and cannot be unequipped, but have them take up no inventory space.

Ranloth -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/30/2014 18:36:43)

...Yes! But I'd be for making them "sellable" - you'd not be able to get rid of them completely, but make them lose all upgrades (if you paid at all) and cores, just in case some people won't use them and want Credits back.

Screw it even, 1v1 requirement could do as well. There's no reason to be crippled and make it easier for the other player - unless it's the level gap.

Xendran -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/30/2014 19:28:46)

No, don't let them sell the upgrades. If they're going to go into battle with the worst possible gear, i want it to at least keep them alive long enough to potentially get to a position where i can juggernaut the rest of the battle.

s0u1ja b0y -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/30/2014 23:52:18)

Forcing people to use gear is bad. What about when you want to do a primary only fight

Mother1 -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/31/2014 0:15:46)


Ok it one thing to play like that when you have no choice, however when you are given items viva tutorial, and can be fully equipped at real low levels without the need to spend credits there is no excuse not to be fully equipped.

Xendran -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/31/2014 1:00:52)

@s0u1ja b0y

Please read the entirety of a post if you wish to respond to it. The answer to your question is located in the second line of the first post.

Scyze -> RE: 2v2 Gear Requirement + Ally Vs Ally (1/31/2014 2:27:03)

I like this suggestion because of the reasoning.

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