=OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (Full Version)

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Beck -> =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:16:37)



Sneak Peak!

Posted on [February 5th, 2014] by Nulgath

Who's excited about the Lego Movie? Because these mystery characters have nothing to do with that but I thought I'd mention it anyway! Everyone loves LEGOS!



Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:20:53)

I call the 2nd one Slime.He looks like it

@Below If it turns out to be Rock I will still call it slime ,but maybe they might just be our 1st chaos characters?
either way what element you think they will be they look like an earth to me.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:21:09)

I feel like I've seen the first one in dragonfable its some kind of caterpillar, larva thing so pretty good chance it will get rank ups the second thing could be slime or a rock.

What element would a caterpillar be earth right?

Beck -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:26:59)

Honestly my first thoughts about them were "at least it's not a maggot" and "Kirby" xD
Kinda excited though. Both forms make me think of metamorphosis, and the possibilities thereof.

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:28:44)

YOU'RE a Genius it does look like kirby from smash brawl when you hold the down arrow and the other one(given) does remind me of the maggot

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:31:40)

@Beck I was thinking the same if so good chance they will have rank ups.

Anyone else thinking we get some more characters besides these two one of them dealing with legos since Nulgath has revealed characters and not all of them being shown at once thinking of last Halloween when he hid abomination and zombie from.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:33:35)

Yeah I was thinking it'd be pretty fun to run around with an apprentice kirby xD

Well, Valentine's day is coming up soon, and these characters might be part of that? Either way, I think Rev's new Aphrodite character might be released.

Surprises are always nice!

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:34:53)

I think we will get these characters friday and get aphrodite next week since valentines day is on a friday next week.

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:36:14)

(I just want a Revon Bunny for Easter)But yeah i think You might be right Gorilla
Backed potato

That's funny

Well I am done for Today

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:37:20)

I think someone said the Rev characters are done with.
How about a Klunk Bunny or a dilagaf Bunny?

Instead of diligaf putting on his warrior mask he puts on a bunny mask. lol

Imagine a 12ft ogre dressed as a bunny.

the warden -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/5/2014 22:58:09)

Im excited about the Lego movie lol:) and interesting shaped chars wow.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/6/2014 11:52:10)

Oh. The slime and a catterpillar :o
Kog maw plox.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/6/2014 12:09:48)

i still think their both dittos lol

darkjo9 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/6/2014 12:32:20)

the first one is this.

the second one is this .

XD i would actually want the second one if it really was a blob fish!

DarkLore -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/6/2014 12:34:06)

LOL! Mini-Ditt! That episode was HILARIOUS! Wish I could remember that long ago. Don't remember all the details. And Valentine's Day is next week. The Holiday is conveniently on Friday!

ShadowMoon -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/6/2014 13:24:59)

the mini ditto was in pokemon episode 176: Imitation Confrontation you may now spend 21mins to refresh you memory

i got another idea what the larvae could be

and the slime-thing

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 5th February, 2014 - Sneak Peak! (2/7/2014 9:36:19)

So which element will slime be shadow water or a combo of both im hoping both and if so which location do you think it would be at lakes or nightmare dungeon maybe even solace which would be cool to have a new character so you fight less barbarians.

A lovebug and a heart stone.

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