Tactical Mercs (Full Version)

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The Anonymous -> Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 0:11:59)

Okay..back then, Tacticals used to be the BEST class, according to the passive skills. For now, however, it's the weakest class (until they buffed smoke screen, frenzy, tocxic grenade; adding some requirements to skills).

Tactical Mercs are able to beat other classes with "reroute" and "hybrid armor." For now, they're all removed, in other words, a piece of crap. Other classes (like bounties/tech mages) are able to gain their energy from stealing away others (0 energy cost and unblockable, mages' are blockable, but nothing influence the energy stealing). How can I even win a battle with a battery (which would waste a turn) and a "blockable" energy-stealing skill? Old mercs are able to drain energy from stealing away others, though blockable.

I'm a full-armored lvl 35 tactical merc, using Bunny Borg, 5 focus build + lvl 7 venom. I mostly use these following: (1.) double strike lvl 5 (2.) venom lvl 7 (3.) special cores for my gun/aux/wep/robot + around 300 defense/resistance. Seriously? I got beatened by a lvl 32 techmage with NOTHING but only a PRIMARY with only 2 skills abused (stun and plasma bolt).

For now, I seriously think this gotta be balanced ASAP. I've been playing for 24/5, 2 tacticals mercs, 1 cyber hunter, and bunch of uncountable OVERPOWERED tech mages. Even though if I'm a varium-user of tactical, nothing would make it better. Honestly, no reason to continue playing on this unbalanced-game which makes you lose in 9/10 battles.

What do you guys (owner of tacticals) think? Should we, tacticals, receive a more-balanced skill tree? Would this even be fair to us? Please comment/share your point-of-views, and hoping "us" to get balanced ASAP.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 0:38:01)

Well first off if you're running level 5 double strike you're gonna get nowhere in 1v1 since investment in double strike is best for 2v2 to pull off that kill on the first person in combos with your partner. Investment in it in 1v1 is pointless as it costs too much energy and doesn't give good damage boosts. Double strike itself has some serious flaws with its base damage of +15% (unless they buffed it which I don't think they did) even though it has the best cooldown for an offensive skill.

IMO atom smasher needs to be set back to 2 turn cooldown, energy cost back to 60 at level 1, and lowered drain to make it the easiest EP drain to be spammed because that's all TLM had going for it back then. If that happens then you can really make an amazing stalling build setup with battery backups and frenzies. Right now I can suggest using a stall focus build with level 3-5 field medic, level 7+ frenzy, max battery backup, and the rest of your skill points into atom smasher. This build should prove effective in annoying the heck out of your opponent, if not providing a fairly strong win rate. Just spam your bot (don't use android on stall builds, you're best off using fully upgraded yeti or a +170 damage bot) as your main offense and rage with frenzy to keep up your healing. Maybe a mid-level mineral armor to counter smoke if you need to. If you can make a really good TLM staller that brings fights to turn 25+ then you're going to really mess up all BHs in existence, probably destroy some CHs if you atom smash as soon as they static, wreck BMs, and handle mercs fairly well if you static with good timing. The only class you'll have problems with is your own and TM because battery backup can't be outdrained by atom smasher, especially when combined with assim.

But IMO Atom smasher needs to be made weaker, have a reduced energy cost and be more spammable like it once was. That alone should bring TLM back into line with the higher-tiered classes right now.

The Anonymous -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 0:43:55)

Your suggestion is pretty logical, but required a large amount of energy cost. Players now recently got "mostly" lvl 9, max lvl of energy stealing. my hybrid armor is lvl 4, blood shield lvl 3, field medic lvl 4. I really like your recommendations, but the cores on my sidearms/aux/primary cost energy, too. That's one of the major issue i'm consuming.

If they made our energy-stealing skill "unblockable," increasing the percentage of healing on frenzy would be a bit fair.

AQisFuN -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 2:35:01)

Just to point out: TLMs don't have Static Smash.

The Anonymous -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 3:36:26)

That is what we need. Just if they make a lil' change to it. Making our Atomic Smasher unblockable would be more fair.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 18:02:27)


That is what we need. Just if they make a lil' change to it. Making our Atomic Smasher unblockable would be more fair.

I can't agree with this because you'd just become TMs but regain even MORE energy than they do. Making atom smasher spammable like it was before would probably be better since you can entirely neutralize all builds even with max energy gain skills.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 19:09:44)


Which is what a Tactical Merc can currently do assuming all it's Atom Smashers connect? (Which is a pretty good chance)

Yea, you don't see that happening.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 19:50:51)

The reason why they used to be able to do it was because of a 2-turn cooldown and lower energy cost. Back then getting blocked was also less punishing.

The devs might have felt buffing atom smasher's % and increasing its cooldown and EP cost was a good thing, but from what I can see it weakened one very good aspect of TLMs.

.PinkMoose. -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 20:09:43)

I am a returning player and I cannot say that TLM mercs suck but the only builds you can run to survive the Mages is high defences and run low support and I am in matches and get up to 2 crits against me(kinda bugs me but ok) and then I try to atom smash them cause all they do is abuse their mana and then they block me after they critted me so there is a lot of solutions to this problem but I think that improving Atom Smasher is an alternative???decreasing crit chances give us hybrid armor back anything its kinda sad now that TLM sucks more than Merc makes me think I wasted var butt the devs might change this soon >.>

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 20:24:14)

^my point exactly. If atom smash was 2-turn cooldown and costed less energy, even if it had lower magnitude per use it would deal with TMs very easily at the cost of turns.

The Anonymous -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 22:22:34)

@above, as i stated, that was a "good idea,"
(1)maybe keep what atomic smasher currently was, and make it "unblockable." In my opinion, it would be more fair. Comparing to tech mages and bounty hunters, they are able to regain their energy which is "100%." Those skills seem very overpowered, so enchancing atomic smasher would just make it "fair."
(2)or, at least downgrade the percentage, make us able to gain 1/3 of taken energy from opponent, something similar to static smash...

@.PinkMoose., I agree with you. I felt like wasted 50,000 credits on a piece of junk that even makes me lose. The reason I changed my class is to get more wins. Now..I felt like scammed, who the heck would be that lame, changing classes to even get more loses? Hocus pocus.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 23:19:56)


(1)maybe keep what atomic smasher currently was, and make it "unblockable." In my opinion, it would be more fair. Comparing to tech mages and bounty hunters, they are able to regain their energy which is "100%." Those skills seem very overpowered, so enchancing atomic smasher would just make it "fair."
(2)or, at least downgrade the percentage, make us able to gain 1/3 of taken energy from opponent, something similar to static smash...

The point is to make it 2-turn cooldown. In exchange you can do whatever to nerf magnitude or something, but really TLM should be able to spam atom smasher frequently to neutralize the opponent and annoy them to no end, essentially making TLM the best stall class. And I don't think it'd be a good idea to make it just a clone of static smash. There's no point if you make it unblockable and keep it at 3 turn cooldown because from personal experience in the past, stuff like that didn't really buff it by much. It'd be much better to make it more abusable, blockable, and have less energy cost for less magnitude.

The Anonymous -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 23:29:28)

Well, IMO, atomic smasher isn't the major skill that influence all. I think the support requirement on frenzy should be removed, and increasing the percentage (make it 65% Dmg to Health while max lvl). The percentage of Double Strike should be increased as well (60% More Damage while max lvl), since there isn't a skill that can do a high damage, for example bunker, plasma bolt, berserker, etc. (Surgical Strike got an incredible damage, but in return cost a large number of energy).

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 23:39:15)

Frenzy is actually another skill that could greatly change TLM. It would be great if it turned into a pivoting point in the class's development like atom smasher once was. I used to run a high frenzy low-field medic heal looper in early omega before the tech nerf that lowered total resistance. If frenzy is brought to power like other skills once were, I can imagine TLM becoming a very dynamic class to use.

And you're a beta tester so I would suppose you would know since I am one too (too stupid to grab that cheevo back then, sadly enough), but atom smasher was TLM's trump card for as long as I can remember. It's kind of a shame to just let go of it. Using the infamous atom smasher-spamming wall, goldslayer1 was able to attain like a 98% win rate I believe back in delta. That's why I want it returned. Considering energy can be regenerated much more easily, it shouldn't be as overpowered as it once was, but should still be a humongous skill in terms of strategic use. Back then the real TLMs who did well during the time of BM dominance were the ones who knew how to use atom smasher right with its timing.

The Anonymous -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 23:52:01)

I agree with you. If the devs could upgrade frenzy and atomic smasher, comparing us to other classes, would be more even. The lack of energy costs on them would become the most spammable and useful skills (if the energy cost on atomic smash could be nerfed).

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/6/2014 23:55:33)

At this point to me I'm not debating for the sake of balance, I'm debating for the sake of a fun game. And changing up frenzy to be more applicable in general situations and making atom smasher more spammable but weaker at lower EP costs would bring a much more dynamic play style to TLM with way more thinking. And that's what makes ED fun to me: thinking and strategy. BH builds that just strike and use smoke and mark of blood does not require much thinking, and neither does a TM class that uses assimilation whenever it's available but otherwise strikes and uses bludgeon. The problem is that even if you prevent yourself from jumping to mainstream mindless builds like these, you still have to fight them 90% of the time which makes battle very monotonous and boring.

The Anonymous -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/7/2014 0:06:36)

Balance = fun (in my opinion)

Once they balanced the skills, it would seem more fun/fair to me. Not just keep battling through each 1 vs 1/Juggs in return of losing 70-80%.

The percentage of double strike should be increased as well, since what tacticals can do are wasting time on healing/being tanky/throwing a toxic grenade/using a robot with an incredible damage (which is what it was created for). Once frenzy and atomic smash are upgraded, I don't think we would have to build a tanky with a 5 focus character anymore.

Strength influence atomic smasher and frenzy (so is double strike)

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/7/2014 0:35:50)

Double strike somewhat contradicts itself. Its damage boost-energy cost ratio gets better as you invest, but if you invest it's harder to spam, and double strike's best attribute is its very spammable 1-turn cooldown rate.

I can't necessarily agree with you on balance = fun since almost a year ago quite a few people on the forums were saying that Early-mid omega was the most balanced they'd seen in ED, and I can't say that was fun at all. But that's your opinion and I'll leave it at that, since we all have our own opinions. Balance itself as a concept is also very subjective.

AQisFuN -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/13/2014 8:25:42)


I can't agree with this because you'd just become TMs but regain even MORE energy than they do. Making atom smasher spammable like it was before would probably be better since you can entirely neutralize all builds even with max energy gain skills.

Why don't you listen? xD
Atom Smash is just an Energy Draining skill that COSTS Energy. Making it Unblockable would make TLMs useless and weak no more.

I still don't see a Delete button. What is wrong with this forums...

Ranloth -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/13/2014 10:04:19)


I still don't see a Delete button. What is wrong with this forums...

Nothing? ED Forum had it removed in the past, and blame your fellow Forumites for stricter rules. Past precedents affect us all. Other sections have it because they are well behaved.

As of to the suggestion - buff Stun Grenade a little (and Plasma Grenade; same skills after all), re-work Battery Backup to be more "Warrior-friendly" as opposed to "tank-friendly" - so TMs and TLMs would have two separate skills - and take out Double Strike for a new skill, with some nifty effect + Dex improvement, so they can have some variety.
Atom Smasher is fine as it is now, although it could be altered to drain a bit more EP on block (from 15% to 30-33%), so you wouldn't end up losing your turn, losing your EP, and barely draining anything.

dfo99 -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/13/2014 12:02:52)

tlm and tm if get many blocks/deflect and not suffer mana atacks, can permancer fighting forever

Ranloth -> RE: Tactical Mercs (2/13/2014 12:25:16)

Permancer? So they are balanced if luck is in your favour? Yeah, that's not what balance means. Old TMs were balanced too, with 1 hit KO SuperCharge, as long as you drained their EP - so why did they get nerfed? >.>

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