=ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (Full Version)

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Mecha Mario -> =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 11:42:32)



February 06, 2014
Epic Cleanup
This week, we're getting our hands dirty with some deep-cleaning of EpicDuel's inner workings. It's been awhile since we've done optimization so this week we worked hard to fix some nagging bugs and clean up some code to improve performance. These updates don't usually yield many shiny new toys for your enjoyment, but we've worked hard to make sure you're not empty-handed for this update!

Home Decor
To assist you with the cleaning process in your homes, we're introducing crabby new home item. These crabs are hungry and ready to clean your homes of any refuse.
We're introducing a total of 31 new home items, including the popular development phase AI trainers. Show off your appreciation of the eras from EpicDuel's past with these awesome new home items!

Last week, we planned on implementing a change to the matching engine to tighten the range at the highest levels. This means that a level 40 should almost never match against a level 35. This change was not thoroughly tested, but this week we're confident in releasing this change. This should encourage fairness and balance among the high level players.

Prize Codes
This weekend we'll be giving out more prize codes! As an experiment, we'll be dropping codes more randomly, making it more difficult to "camp" codes with multiple accounts. Follow our Twitter pages to stay updated with the latest developments on these codes and their availability!

Tags: Cleanup code Home Optimization Prize Code Nightwraith

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 12:05:46)

Nice to know the matching system is getting further improved. My win rate is absurd against people within 1-2 levels of me, and I might be able to attain the long-lost 90% win rate again.

Mixed opinions on prize codes though. There's good intention behind random drops of it but there might be a lot of complaints as well.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 12:19:38)

Finnally they fixing matching , getting a 34/35 in 2v2 when your 40 against 2 40s quite often is awful for the 34 , and not rlly fun for the 40 that's almost certainly dead through the 34 getting put on his team.


Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 12:20:20)

^I wouldn't be surprised if lots of people said that then started complaining about wait times.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 12:22:30)

I've argued repeatedly since beta for fairer fights before wait times

the only time I have issue is when wait times are bad and matchmaking is borked.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 12:35:44)

Unfortunately, not all people like fairer fights over wait times.

I'm predicting lots of people who were going for 2v2 champs will rage even more now due to the queuing process when waiting for 2v2s now. They'll probably come up with some weird excuse like that other people got lucky and get into fights first, lol.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 14:28:34)

Only just decorated my home in ED for the first time. Ever. It's looking bretty gud. That's a nice amount of house items I have to say, but I might run out of space for them [:(]

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 14:31:24)

@ exploding penguin

my thoughts exactly. Not everyone wants to wait a long time for a fight. While some don't mind waiting for the hope of a fair fight, others want to just play. I just hope this change doesn't isolate level 40's since they originally had the lowest player range only to get smaller.

But on another note another problem I have with this is the current state of balance. Even Noobatron in another post mentioned that players who had a 1 level difference from level 40's were getting clobbered by level 40's due to this legendary update and balance issues. So while levels 35-37 get relief from this 38-39 will still be made to suffer through this since they will be getting paired off against these players more often.

While in some people's eyes they would say "Why should these players complain 40 vs 39-38 is a more fair fight" With the legendary stats plus imbalance in reality it isn't and I fear this change will just cause those players within their range to quit since now they will be pulled into battles against them more often.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 14:34:48)

I wish they've made at least small steps towards lowering the ranges for everyone. They could use weekly release as a test run and lower it by -1 level across the board (-4 levels difference in 1v1, and -5 levels in 2v2), and see how the search times would be affected. If not by a lot, or barely at all, they could keep it this way and slowly make changes towards lowering it further.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 14:44:54)

you know what would solve the match making problems and would take "Legendary" ranks and stat point into account?
my Combat Rating Idea
(After minor adjustments to it of course)

Combat Ratings - Match Making

Since as far back as I can remember, match making has been a problem for team mode, and now also juggernaut. I think you all have been through it by now, a level 35 partnered with a default primary wep level 29 against 2 fully geared level 35s. Or a level 35 vs 2 maxed out level 29s. It sucks, its unfair, its not balanced.

so I propose a solution. Combat Ratings for the match making system.
this is going to sound a bit sophisticated, perhaps because it is.

but what the Combat Rating system will do is measure battle capacity in a sense.

it will measure your Level, Stats, damage, and cores if its still here.
once this is all measured, it will come up with a single number (not single digit, but number)

Say for example (these are just sample numbers) that I am
Lvl: 36
Stats from weps: 140
Damage from Weps: 147
Cores: 8 Cores

so how do we determine this Combat Rating?
lets put a value to each of these things.

Level: 8 CR per level.
Stats: 1 CR per stat
Damage: 2 CR per damage
Cores: 10 CR per core.

going by this example, a level 36 player would have 802 Combat Rating.
But how will combat ratings work in the match making system?

Well its simple, introduce a range, much similar to levels, but with combat ratings. However that rating is not based on a number, its based on a percent.

an example range would be 80%-120%. at 802 CR, that is 642-963.
So if i have 802 CR, in Solo mode, i would only be able to play with players between 642-963 CR. the %s for this can be increased/decreased as you see fit for a bigger or smaller range.

you might be thinking, why have it like this?
well truthfully the current range system of 0-6 levels within your range is very flawed. by flawed i mean that it doesn’t take into account the increase in levels.

at level 10, 6 levels below is lvl 4.
at lvl 35, 6 levels below is lvl 29.

the power of the player of higher level gradually deteriorates as levels get higher and only will get worse. This is why juggernaut and team mode have so much problems. However this is designed to measure the player’s power capacity by counting the worth of the level, stats, damage, and cores. This idea then match makes players of the CR range. In turn, it is more balanced and consistent. And it will balance team mode and juggernaut better. However a minimum Level Range should still apply to account for some inflation.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 14:50:58)

^ The only issue I see with it is... cores not being equal. EP cost balances them, but some rare cores are better than the non-rare (minus the possible imbalance, just better). As well as possibly unfair matchups - mainly hacked/scammed players or ones who make stupid mistakes with selling items; you could be L30 and due to your own stupidity, face players at around L20 (lack of items = less CR).

Although, mind you, I've made a suggestion which could make your system work, and prevent such imbalance, namely having scaled no-drop weapons. This way, imbalanced matches - in terms of having no items - wouldn't occur, and CR wouldn't be borked to the point where imbalanced matches would occur (i.e. L30 vs. L20 example of mine).

If both were to be done, I could actually see it as a permanent solution - not a band-aid fix. And if there was still imbalance in match-ups, namely being too scattered apart, you lower the difference of "80-120%" range, to say "85-115%" and see what happens then.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 14:58:29)

well if the lvl 30 with no gear is facing a lvl 20, the level 20 would need to have like fully maxed out gear or something.

the items are only a portion of the CR.
this is why levels and stats are still taken into account.

this isn't meant to be just about level.
its more like something that gauges your power based on everything you have.
Think of it like advanced metrics in sports (I.e PER: Player efficiency rating but for ED)

the whole point of CR is to face enemies of that are close in combat ratings, which would mean they are close in power.

perhaps a fully gear maxed lvl 20 has more slightly more stats than the level 30 with no gear, but the level 30 makes up for it in skill points.
statistically speaking, they could be close in power.

Even though CR is in place, i'd still suggest a hard range cap. (I.e 8-10 level spread)

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 16:01:39)

maybe leveling up shouldn't give you that much of an advantage or balance should be tinkered so that your build matters more than your level.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 16:05:31)

@ Edwardvultare

Build advantage always last I checked it made up for level disadvantage.

Sadly for most of those players who are lower level or higher level complaining they only see the level of the player.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 16:23:20)


maybe leveling up shouldn't give you that much of an advantage or balance should be tinkered so that your build matters more than your level.

I agree with this. Right now I can win an absurd number of fights against level 35s, 36s, and a decent amount against 37s. This is mainly because of skill difference given that I'm a commander nearing emperor and most of the people in this level range are heroes. I dread the day where I level up to 36 and start fighting all the level 40 emperors again. However, my win rate is not only justified by my extended battle experience compared to the 3k win heroes. Because strength is ridiculously popular right now, my build exploits the one universal weakness that they all have: the lack of offensive options that aren't strength-based. I exploit this concept by abusing higher levels of intimidate which works well because of its lowered energy cost. That combined with my typical 20k extra win experience against most of my opponents makes up for that 1-2 level advantage they have over me. I still don't stand a chance against most level 39s and 40s, and only a little against 38s though. I feel like I should at least stand a fairly good chance against level 38s who don't know much of what they're doing.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 16:40:32)

I have to agree once you get above 2 levels above you.

skill and intelligence mean very little as the sheer advanatages combined from the 3 levels+ advantage are pretty difficult to get past without extreme luck and in the cases of 4 and 5 levels it pretty much is impossible.

Once you get to 38 your going to struggle against high end legend ranks (honestly without extreme luck or them making continuous stupid moves, your dead. and lets face it most 40s know what they are doing) however atleast its not as bad as it was 35s 36s and 37s will no longer have to deal with broken mechanics , Its not great but its better then it was.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:24:24)

I'm thinking that this tightening of the level range is just what PvP needs to deem who is good and who deserves good win rates. 2 levels is the optimal because skill can overcome it, but 3-4 levels it starts getting pretty hard and there's a really blatant and obvious advantage. 5 levels is just near impossible.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:28:20)

@ exploding

at the higher levels I can agree with you, but at the lower levels if you have a build advantage you can win with 3-5 level disadvantage on your side especially between levels 15-25 since I have been able to do this when my build capitalizes on a higher level player's weakness.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:30:11)

@Exploding Pengiun
except level ranges would still be flawed.

you'd still have legendary rank people with a ton of extra stats compared to lvl 39s and 38s. maybe not now, but in the future.
shortening the level range will only be a bandaid fix.

level ranges wont take this into account.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:34:27)

They reposted the aux code on twitter from what I saw get it while it is hot

s0u1ja b0y -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:43:06)

Finally decided to do rusted joints mission chain and now they increase credits [:@]

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:43:32)


you'd still have legendary rank people with a ton of extra stats compared to lvl 39s and 38s. maybe not now, but in the future.

which is why I suggested those new legendary ranks in that post I made in the suggestions forums. With those legendary ranks the rank difference won't be as noticable.

Problem is that there's a very high density of level 39-40 players. Once you reach level 37-38-ish you'll probably rarely fight people your own level or under your level (my guess). It's been like that in the past. I remember at level 27 back in gamma when the cap was 32 that I just fought an insane number of level 32s, almost all of which were mass BHs at the time.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 17:56:38)

If some of you are pondering how the M4tr1x's look, in regard to sizing and animation, please come visit my Infernal home to see the display. They are all amazing.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 20:44:35)

Any one else noticed at the lower levels where jugs are actually powerful because of the amount of clueless players (one smart player isn't enough against a jug if your partner is completely hopeless beyond redemption) that when they start turning up in mass everyone disappears from 2v2 wait times go insane just to face constant juggers. Seems counter productive since people clearly don't want to jugger at that level so they just leave the mode either logging out or going into 1v1.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= February 6th, 2014 - Epic Cleanup (2/7/2014 20:49:39)

@ Noobatron x3000

Yeah I noticed this with my alts. Since I have played against them before when I do jug against them I can help my partners out if they have a decent build, but most clueless ones get clobbered.

It was why I suggested some time ago increasing the min level of juggernauts to level 30 instead of 20 so the opponents who fight them will have more of a chance to battle ready.

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