RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:27:51)

@DYKT: Nulgath probably doesn't want to post any updates because of #BlameBattleGems all over the place.

Can you imagine if he announced a much anticipated feature like Character-Switching only to go "Whoops, Battle Gems hit a bump. Sorry, we might have to wait." People complained when the Slime and Lepid character were delayed...(Complaining over just TWO APPRENTICE characters being released...just think about the absurdity now that it's past) imagine a delay of Character-Switching particularly when it's been announced? It's for our own benefit so that we keep our cools.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:30:47)

@Trollok: I was just going to make a statement about how DYKT had a point about the lack of communication then I read your post. Makes a lot of sense to me.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:30:58)

I think most people would be happy to get news from him though. Currently, without any developer communication and with the recent releases, Oversoul seems like an afterthought.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:32:07)

@The Jop: But what can he really say? We already know that BG has taken away most of the development for OS and other projects are also hindering it down.

He also gave many statements in his older posts that both explicitly state as well as allude to the fact that OS is in the back seat.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:32:27)

Not saying WHEN it's going to be released, but like, more detail on how it's going to be. I'm not looking forward to it being a rushed job and releasing quickly, but more detail.

In fact, letting us know about it, and more time waiting, is constructive since we COULD discuss about it, how to improve it, what's not to like, etc. And it could be made better.

Get what I'm saying?

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:32:45)

I'm not saying updates wouldn't be nice. I'm just saying considering a response to a delay of two apprentice characters was so negative...I don't think he'd want to post major gameplay updates. As it is, he keeps us fairly posted on the Design Notes with what he CAN control, character releases. There's really no use announcing what he might have planned especially when restraints with coding might make it impossible (*Cough* Initial conception of Card Customization).

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:33:54)

But it's his game, so I'm pretty sure he has knowledge of how he wants the stats, etc. to work. . . .

And no communication from Devs to us, and vice versa makes this game look, yup, DEAD.

Like body and brain. No brain, it's a zombie. Or in other words, HS fever.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:37:44)

He definitely has an idea of where he wants it to go but nothing's possible unless it can be put in-game. We don't want to be kept in the dark but at the same time, knowing what could be coming could just make things worse. At this point let's just agree to disagree on this topic. But we can agree that Moose needs to show his ugly face to be possessed [:D]

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:39:14)

I fully agree with Trollok in the sense that keeping us posted could be a double-edged sword. I suppose at this time, even Nulgath himself doesn't want to get his hopes up. That is an interesting idea to consider right?

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:39:19)

Are you saying Moose could've used a helmet? Because I AGREE.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:42:11)

@DYKT: Yeah a helmet could be nice; maybe make it toggle-able so people who want helmets and don't want helmets are happy :o

@Jmagician: Nulgath not wanting to get his own hopes up IS an interesting idea. It's totally possible. I'd feel down if my game wasn't being developed as much as I'd like and there really was nothing I could do about it. But he must be faithful too since he's been with AE for a long time. Oversoul is gonna make it big; the seeds of potential are sown and we just need to make them grow. Let's not blame Battle means soon we can play OS on ANY DEVICE! OS WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Community unite :D

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:44:39)

I rather get information and it gets delayed at least I know it will be coming not tell us anything is depressing.

Cysero said none of the games out now will be put on mobile devices if so they will be completely differnet games I asked him myself personally if you want to see the link.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:46:07)

OS running smoothly and naturally on my phone, I would love that. Bus rides would be so much more fun.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:46:25)

@Gorillo: The funny thing is we already have the basics of what's to come (Artifacts, Character-Switching, Stats, etc.). We also are told of character releases and even Nulgath's personal issues like the thing with his tablet. I wouldn't say we are completely in the dark [;)]

@Jmagician: Yeah, OS on the subway would make the commute so much more fun xD.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:46:58)

@Titan: Yep. Silence just makes it look deserted. . .. That's what I'm talkin' about.

Even if we are given updated news, and things are delayed, I think even if people are complaining, we do know that the game is ACTUALLY TRYING TO MOVE FORWARD.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:52:17)

At this point, when I see Moose I'll probably have a heart attack and never actually be able to possess it :(

On the bright side...I'll be a REAL Oversoul haha! #GonnaPossessYOUAll

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/18/2014 23:57:55)

Well I took it easy with Moose. . . .say I give up farmin' for it, and once in a while, check out Snowy Forest for like an explore or two. Looks like it worked. LOL.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 0:16:08)

Sentry lord must have the worse AI in this entire game I went afk vs it just to see if it would do what it did last time I fought it and yes it did it again.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 0:24:58)

Lel. It just keeps charging and charging and charging. . .

(I still sorta miss those times BEFORE 20 energy cap. Oh hello 5 energy. -Afk- Oh hello 631 energy. :D)

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 9:09:41)

I am back from 2 days of tests. So I heard the ??? character is Love Slime. That was unexpected and I heard there was a bug where you need to lock appearance on Slime to change it to Love Slime. Glad the bug was fixed and we can now possess Love Slime. Time to hunt Love Slime.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 9:23:36)

Welcome back MDK! I've decided to break from Moose-hunting and catch that Love Slime as well. Seen it twice and failed possession both times...

At least I've seen it though [:D]

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 9:31:06)

Thx. I wish you a very great luck to encounter Moose soon. I haven't encounter Love Slime yet but very soon, I know I will be able to get it. I encountered a Slime but not Love Slime, oh well, it doesn't matter since encountering Love Slime won't be a very difficult task compare to Moose. :D I am very glad to have finally encounter and possess Moose after countless farming and refresh farm. Estimated would 1500+ battles and after that, finally encountered Tyrant Moose. Never Give Up and be determine will be your reward to finally encounter and possess the character that is very hard to encounter. Remember, if I can finally encounter Moose after 1500+ battles, so can you. ;)

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 9:34:01)

For me, between farming 1 million gold and hours of desperate refresh farming, I've probably had 2000+ encounters without Moose at this point :(.

But you're right, I must keep going! After I get Love Slime :)

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 9:36:45)

Remember to post your victory encounter and possession on Moose.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 142 - READ THE FIRST POST (2/19/2014 9:38:01)

Definitely! Hopefully it happens sooner rather than later.

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