Geoto artwork discussion thread (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/18/2014 16:27:13)

Looks like I forgot to FAQ the last one, so here we go again, time to discuss more artwork.

While I am at it I would like to welcome back veteran clan artist WolfWorshipper, who has already contributed to our artwork again with a nicely done sketch. Hopefully we will all get to see more of his excellent work.

EDIT: Nice additions WolfWorshipper, some very nice sketches from you, I really appreciate all the work that went into Gowédcha; think I will save a copy of the link. The signature may be a bit over the top but I agree that it is rather funny.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/19/2014 17:32:41)

My thanks, I'll design something more sublte and Geotal themed for the signature, this was basically the result of brain flatulence :P And get a proper scanner, unfortunatley, these low quality photographs veil some of the more intricate details and lighting patterns

On subject, that was really something I was wondering about!

I always used the adjective Geotal and Geotan(s) as noun. Perhaps it is the tongue of old but I have seen the youngsters use the term Geotian. Is this the generally accepted form for both adjective and noun? Might be something that has to get to get updated in the artwork then?

But that was a really minor thing actually.... I just starting thinking more about Geotal/Geotian society and what we are fighting for. Some questions:

What kind of society are we and what kind of cultural principles do we maintain? Things that come to my mind are Hunter / Nomadic / Animalistic / Shamanistic

Do we literally worship only the element of Earth and it's avatar Geoto?
Because in the First Era we fought for all the Land. It was Sea and Sky and Land.
Now we have been driven back to our most sacred sites in the forest....

Most valued characteristics in our society, as something that really stands out compared to other clans?
Are we friendly, warmongering, diplomatic, neutral, dominant, zealous, politcally driven, vengeful, grudge bearing, conservative, reserved, serious, funny, etc, etc?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/20/2014 3:54:48)

Yes the use of 'Geotian' is a later development, we are not quite sure when it emerged or why it caught on, it was already regularly used when I arrived on the forums. Maybe worth considering using 'Geotian' for future works but the older adjective and noun are fine, we can all understand them.

As for Geoto society and what we stand for, I think we once had a thread for that a few years ago, where people gave their own interpretations on Geoto and what it stood for, many were nicely detailed, others were less so and some were little more than spam. Might re-create it after checking it fits within the rules.

EDIT: The helmet concept is well drawn but I think it is more suited to heavy rather than standard infantry.

EDIT2: Nice even more concepts, the new helmets look much better suited to light/standard infantry.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/21/2014 8:36:45)

The gold donations awards, war efforts, additional war efforts and misc. awards are all obsolete. We could move them into a section "no longer obtainable".

Could make some new ones for Clan Defense / Clan Repair / Clan Offense?

Thread is locked btw, so if we decide to move them maybe you can do it Oliver?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/21/2014 12:01:44)

It may not be necessary to move the war ones, since Paxia is occasionally at war with other forces an you can fight specifically for Geoto, see my war records on my character page, but in these cases it is not clan against clan like the rewards were originally designed for. But some new rewards for clan defence and attacking other clans may be a good way to increase participation.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/21/2014 12:23:44)

I'll get onto it!

Also made a new weapon, the first one really got me on fire.

All I need is a name for it, would be cool to get a contest started to name it, don't think we have enough people....

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/21/2014 13:52:48)

True there are not enough yet for a proper Geoto only contest yet, we could save having such a contest until a later date or if you want to name it now we could do a Paxia wide contest.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/21/2014 15:02:04)

Not really in a rush, i'll just save it. Gonna work on some long term projects now, since there isn't really anyone enjoying it except you :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (2/21/2014 16:50:34)

Sounds like a good idea, while you do that I will try and find ways to boost activity where possible.

EDIT: The nameless blade looks good, no ideas for a name yet but if I get any I will post them.

EDIT2: Nice work from you Warmonger DragonJax, the Geoto Ram hammer looks especially good.

EDIT3: More Nice work Warmonger Dragonjax, Bassault Assaulter looks well thought out, I like the inclusion of the scales showing Geoto's longstanding ties to being balanced between attack and defence. Not sure you should mess around with the trophy without asking the original artist first, though for paint I must say that is excellent work, we will keep it displayed in the thread here but the official trophy will go in the PUC discussion thread.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/15/2014 10:43:57)

@Oliver:Thanks and really my trophy was just show piece which doesn't mean anything but I can redesign it if I get permission,right?
I got more art but I am too lazy to scan it and all these Geoto Weapons are being drawn in a small notebook(pocket sized) and is called Geoto weapon design book !

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/16/2014 13:19:40)

Some more nice sketches Warmonger DragonJax, based on the images I am guessing this notebook you use is an old unused diary from 2005. Some nice work overall though the handle on the Geoto Roc(k)s Metal Feather looks a little short.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/19/2014 11:36:59)

Really just a few more days after which lots more artwork will flow but what kind do you want me to do or I will continue making weapons and shields?

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/19/2014 20:32:31)

Take your time and enjoy the process, we don't expect you to make something every day, just create what you feel like whenever you have time ;)

As for what you should be making, that's entirely up to you, your weapon designs are pretty great, I agree with Oliver, the Ram Hammer is great! But, I would be very curious to see how you envision what the armour of Geotian Soldiers look like.

I'm going to work on the Heavy Infantry some more until I'm completly happy, so feedback and critism is very welcome. After that I'll work my way through Basic and Light Infantry.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/20/2014 4:07:18)

The Spire Guard concept 2 design looks good, great detail on the armor.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/25/2014 15:45:11)

Thanks mate, I hope you agree with the direction I took with the heavies. Just added a more basic version, with a little twist.

Don't really like the name for the Punisher Gloves... Doesn't reallly sound, you know, Geotian.... If you catch my drift? Rockstompers, Boulderbash Gloves... dunno maybe someone's got an idea?

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/25/2014 20:25:04)

Boulderbasher gloves or stonebasher gauntlets and exams are over so art may now come flowing in ! Maybe even one per day ! Anways I have a question:What am I actually making geoto art for is it going to sit there or something else may happen with it or is there any use for it?

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/25/2014 22:20:15)

I was thinking large scale project, we commision for members, they pick either heavy / normal / light with choice of weapons and pets ofcourse.
That way we'll have an awesome gallery with the greatest heroes of our clan :D

Right now I'm just working on concepts in sketch

We can use any weapon design we like, or you can post them as seperate entries and ask Oliver to put them up there

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/26/2014 13:16:48)

Sorry I haven't been around much, this is a extremely busy week. A large scale project sounds great, it has been so long since any art was around Paxia and I think the last large scale art project in Geoto was before I even came to the forums; I will greatly enjoy seeing this one take shape. If you want anything added to the art thread's first post just let me know.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/27/2014 10:09:24)

Art is up for comments on the Geoto Art thread.
@Wolfworshipper: Oh is that so.I made my own concept just check it out.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/27/2014 19:36:46)

Love the design man! Do you mind if I use it as an inspiration for the Standard Armor? Seems like solid equipment for the main force of our army! :D

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/28/2014 1:54:11)

Some interesting weapons and changes to older weapons, but I must say your 'Geoto Warrior' is very well done indeed and I think it outshines all of your weapons so far.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/28/2014 10:30:48)

I made a Geoto Berserker/Barbarian-It will be put up soon !

EDIT:Here it is: LINK

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (3/30/2014 5:26:55)

Nice work, the detail on the crest is great and the axe seems fitting for the design.
Wolfworshipper's Seige Cannon Schematic also seems to be well done, thoigh it is a bit feint in places so I had to zoom to try and read the writing. Still great level of detail.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (4/2/2014 1:23:51)

Thanks and now I have run dry on ideas as usual an suggestions on what I should do?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (4/23/2014 13:01:52)

Nice job with the Dragon Shogun. Its nice to see some more of your work I could try to come up with some suggestions for you if you are still struggling with ideas.

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