Remorse -> RE: Legendary Ranks Drastically improving levelling speed (2/22/2014 23:09:40)
@ Mother, What I propose is a ranking system similar to league of legends, What this means is matchmaking has 2 things considered, level and the skill of the person. If you look at league of legends they are never gonna match a new player with say a diamond player unless the diamond player made a new account for some reason and even then they are quick to match you with people your skill after a few battles that determine the skill. What this means is two things, 1. New players are not discouraged, a problem that still excists in epic duel. 2. Younger/not as smart or skilled players are also not discouraged which is also a problem in epic duel which the devs are tackling from the wrong angle. They should NOT be making the game simple to fit one younger audience demographic, they should be making a system that allows for a range of audeince demographic and STILL makes the game younger player friendly to perhaps a stronger degree then now like all AE games should be, THIS is what a ranking system will do. Of coarse their is the problem of a small player base but, a system can still be in place never the less that can compensate for the low player base, and if this beneficial change increases the player base then it will also fix itself over time. As for them unlikely to do changes that might make the game more complex, this would be an easy decision when the effect of younger players being discouraged is medicated by the ranking system. Also they said it themselves in the design notes, they are looking to make changes to bring back a previous phase feel, and the previous phase feel I get is one of a higher complexity of battles. And to allow for this without breaking the AE demographic, simple a ranking system.