Forum avatars (Full Version)

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Grimrow -> Forum avatars (2/21/2014 7:59:36)

The pool of available AQ avatars on the forum is, unfortunatetly, rather limited. Also really strange since you have so much cool content to work with!
Showing of your 2D Wooden Shield or the old Boogs.... not so cool

For instance, there aren't any Paxian clan based avatars and some really evildonkey NPCs are missing . /gasp

I understand it can't be much of a priority over other aspects but then again making some avatars is basically copy pasta work in ms paint :D

Following the trend of creative contest, you could hold one and choose the best 20?

megakyle777 -> RE: Forum avatars (2/21/2014 10:05:01)

Avatars for any AE game can be admitted at any time according to the appropriate rules for doing so, as can AE smileys. Just make it according to the rules, send it to Seahawk and hope he approve it if I recall.[;)]

Grimrow -> RE: Forum avatars (2/21/2014 10:51:44)

Oh cool thanks, i'll might do some then ^^

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Forum avatars (2/21/2014 12:22:23)

As Megakyle said, you can submit the avatars you want, but they have to follow these rules:


8) "I made these really cool avatars about the games. Can you add them?"


We sure can!

Avatars are now being sent to Seahawk.
The rules are as follows:
1. Avatars MUST be AE related.
2. Avatars have to follow the regular avatar rules. 95 X 95 pixels and no larger than 10K, NO ANIMATIONS. .jpg or .gif only
3. Please PM avatars to me in bunches of 5 to 10. I might consider uploading less, but I will not upload more. All avatars must be in the same PM.
4. Do not PM me multiple times to ask when your avatars will be uploaded. Sometimes they are done in batches which means it may take longer than expected.
5. Please PM me your submissions. I don't want to receive emails about this.

Please note that any avatars submitted become the property of Artix Entertainment and as such could be used in advertising or on the web pages.

Skurge -> RE: Forum avatars (2/21/2014 16:29:45)

You can follow Chaosweaver Amon's quote if you'd like to submit avatars.

Not much more to discuss so.. Steam locked!

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