RE: =AQ= User interface update (Full Version)

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=AQ= User interface update

  70% (294)
  30% (126)

Total Votes : 420
(last vote on : 3/6/2014 11:44:24)
(Poll ended: 3/7/2014 14:41:00)


Deception -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 15:39:40)

At default, all gamma and brightness settings at 100% base, I can barely see the amount of mana, if my mp is full. It should not be like that. Somebody suggested turning down brightness and whatnot. Well, here's the thing:
- I am not going to change my gamma or brightness because of this. (it wouldn't help either, all of the colours tone down, so it would make little difference)
- We all have sunk loads of money into this game. You mean to tell me that, as a waiter or the head chef for that matter, you are going to tell the customer to deal with it if their chicken is too salty??

Airenal -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 15:56:04)

No no no, I meant for the shade of the bar itself, not for people to turn down the settings on their monitors lol. Although I could see how that would be pointless since the contrast between the bars and the text is...well they're almost the same color

Gn3ranger -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 19:53:39)

Hm the mana bar doesn't bother me I've gotten use to this new interface

Mordred -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 19:55:04)

Yeah, I don't see any problem with the MP bar either.

hict98 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 21:00:32)

mp and sp bars seem fine to me as well. I never saw what people were complaining about.

Gold -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 21:15:47)

I think the glare on the HP/MP/SP bars is a little off. There's a tiny white dot at the end that just doesn't look good.

Mordred -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/3/2014 22:43:26)

My screen's at 100% brightness, and I'm not having any trouble at all. I don't have any custom settings. It's literally impossible to account for every screen, and downright unfair to expect them to. It could also be a difference in people. What some describe as visible and bright, others may describe as blindingly bright and painful, even when they're looking at the same thing. I'm not haveing any problems whatsoever even with a brand-new laptop with full-brightness. Others may have a problem with an ancient device with a dim screen.

Vaulen -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 0:37:40)

I like the interface, but It could lose the glare and put the pictures in the circle instead of out. Out, it just seems odd.

caseybp -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 1:42:01)

I think both should be used. The wood one for free player characters and the gold for the Guardians, it would add a scene change immediately after upgrading. I think it would be a nice surprise to the people who upgrade characters for the first time.

Lord JTM -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 1:52:16)

I like caseybp's idea of guardians being presented with gold and adventurers with wood. After second thought I want adventures to enjoy whichever interface gets the most votes.

P.S. Hopefully the SHINY wins out [:)]

caseybp -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 2:07:11)

Sorry i RE-read the first post about Interface update. Apparently if its going to effect the monsters side, they will have to separate the two into guardians's level monsters and free player level monsters. So that would be allot of work and nigh impossible to really put so many monsters into separate category's.
Well i suppose it looks good either way and will give a good(better) first impression to new players as well as helping keep less dedicated players interested.

Unless.....the monsters got their own?

Deception -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 4:06:35)

We are long past the phase where we determine IF there's a problem. This one-person-who-says-everything-is-fine-on-their-end is quite meaningless. There is a problem and we already know what it is, too. The MP bar is too bright, it should be toned down. Simple problem, simple solution, no need to burst the bubble.

The Game -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 4:27:21)

No, we are not at the phase where we can dismiss the thoughts of others as "meaningless" because it runs contrary to one's own. There is a crowd that wants to tone down the brightness of some of the colors, but that does not necessarily constitute a problem due to the subjectivity involved. Especially given that the issue of barely being able to see the MP value is an isolated one, there is nothing wrong with people affirming that they do not have that issue. Likewise, the analogy of a customer being told to deal with their salty chicken by themselves does not align with the situation at hand. In this case, there is one chicken that people find mildly salty and one person finds very salty. It would help if you provided a screenshot to we can evaluate the readability of the MP value from your end. If you are having a legitimate issue while others are not, it is worth investigating. Similarly, if others are able to read the MP value from your end just fine, that is valuable information. But, what I do not want to see again is a claim that the contribution of others is "meaningless" in any context.

Deception -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 4:56:38)

Then you would have countless screenshots pooling up and it in no way helps the issue. The claims of oh-things-are-fine-let-it-stay-like-that are meaningless, no matter how you look at it. The same way a claim of omgasdfffa-the-mp-bar-is-too-bright of One person, but this is a repeated claim. The chicken is too salty, simple, go cook a new one.
Then again, a lot of the regimes function based on the statistical-evaluation, therefore I'm done arguing, prove me wrong or not, this social-paranoia mixed with superficial democracy gets us nowhere.

Evangel -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (3/4/2014 6:33:43)

The people arguing that the bars are too bright are as valuable as players who are colorblind. Their input is as valuable as those who can see and read clearly.

That being said, although I can read the blue mana bar just fine, I agree that it is too bright with the white text. A simple and easy solution would be to add a black outline to the text. It's the same issue as the yellow misc. text to the bottom right on top of the snow graphic.

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