2 oversoul accounts (Full Version)

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darkkstarr5k -> 2 oversoul accounts (2/21/2014 23:03:09)

I haven't played in a few months so I decided to get on. When I signed on using my AE account information it acted as if I was a new character even though I already had an account named nevermore. I went along with it hoping the game would just bring me to my first account but it didn't. I signed onto AE and looked at the info for oversoul and saw my account nevermore and not the account I just made named darkstar5k. How do I get rid of the account I just made and get back my first account? I've spent a good amount on nevermore and its a founder so i really don't want to restart.

Wind -> RE: 2 oversoul accounts (2/22/2014 1:13:02)

Hey darkkstarr5k,

This section of the forums is mainly for help and support on forum related topics. We have in-game thread sections which you can post within the appropriate section, and this isn't really a forum help thread either.

This topic seems a little tricky, I believe the best thing for you to do would be to follow the Help Pages and email the Help Team there stating the issue, they should reply within 1-3 days and help you then :).

In the future if you have more questions related to the games, whether EpicDuel, AQWorlds or OverSoul there are sections for each game and so it is preferred you post in them. In this case any questions related to OverSoul there is a section dedicated there :).


Skurge -> RE: 2 oversoul accounts (2/22/2014 11:26:16)

You may use the links provided above if you're having problems with your Master/OverSoul account. As Wind stated earlier, this area of the forums is for Forum-related problems only. ;)

Steamed and locked!

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