Drakath's Redemption (Full Version)

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Zereldo -> Drakath's Redemption (2/22/2014 3:39:01)

Drakath the tale of redemption

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Firstly, remember this is fiction. Secondly this is based off another Fan fiction I wrote about Drakath and Robina and their secret romance (based on a quote by Artix) and how I imagine the chaos Saga may end. Please bear that in mind when reading this..

My assumptions here are that during the final Battle with Drakath, he is purified and free of chaos and is entirely his own agent once again. That said the battle with the hero has taken its toll. The other assumption is that Victoria/Robina is accepted as the rightful Queen of Swordhaven.


Drakath is on the ground, seeming helpless and defenseless, he looks as if he is in a lot of pain. At this point Robina appears.

Robina: Well done hero! You have beaten Drakath and freed him from chaos. He can be brought to justice without being a threat to anyone anymore.

Hero: I don’t think we will be able to bring him to justice. Look at those wounds. he might die of them if he is not cared for.

At this point Robina becomes noticeably upset and distressed.

Robina: Hero, there is a secret waterfall in Greenguard forest.

She hands the hero a map.

Robina: I need you to take Drakath there. I will go and find Cleric Joy. We might just save him yet.

Hero: why is saving Drakath so Important? For all he has done he deserves death.

Robina: Although I agree with you, there is a lot he needs to explain, and a lot he owes me personally.

Hero: I’ll do it then, but if he starts turning back to chaos, don’t expect him to be alive when you get to me.


The hero is carries Drakath through a cave.

Hero: What could Robina possibly want with you?

The cave opens up to reveal a secret waterfall with lush plant life and vibrant flowers. The hero props up Drakath against a tree and begins waiting.


Robina and Cleric Joy arrive.

Robina: Is Drakath still alive?

While saying this Robina has a degree of concern on her face.

Hero: You seem awfully concerned about him. Does bringing him to justice mean that much to you?

Robina: You don’t understand… There is something about him, something about me that no one else knows.

Hero: Really, it’s pretty obvious that you are actually princess Victoria. You’re not fooling me.

Robina: I figured you knew, but it’s not that. You see, Drakath and I, we were lovers.

Hero: But, he is the man that is responsible for the death of your sister and father.

Robina: He knew me only as Robina, he had no idea I was a princess. Maybe if I had told him in the past this all could have been avoided. If he is dying, I want the chance to say goodbye to him. If he lives, he will have to be brought to justice.

She starts crying as she says this.

Hero: Very well, but I will be watching from afar, for your safety. The Last thing sword haven needs is to loose another heir.


Robina walks over to Drakath who is being tended by Cleric Joy

Cleric Joy: His wounds are great, but he is stable for now. You’ll be able to talk to him.

Robina sits besides him and leans over him, stroking her hand over his face.

Robina: Drakath?

Drakath: Robina? Is that you? Was… was all that a dream?

Robina: No Drakath, you… you really were a monster.

Drakath: I was, but I did what I felt I had to do, to set things the way I thought was right. I know I hurt you when I left, but I could never let you out of my heart, no matter how hard I tried to suppress it. I never wanted to hurt you, and I haven’t; since I left.

Robina: You’re wrong.

Robina looks upset.

Drakath: What do you mean?

Robina: You are responsible for the death of my Father, and Sister.

Robina begins to cry.

Drakath: No that’s not true. It can’t be! Did chaos destroy their village?

Robina: No Drakath! You… you plotted his Downfall. You are responsible for the Death of my Father, King Altoen, and my oldest sister, Princess Britney.

Drakath: What! But that makes you…

Robina: Princess Victoria, daughter of King Alteon and heir to the throne of Swordhaven.

Drakath looks afraid scared and full of regret.

Drakath: Alteon… was your father. And you never told me.

Robina: I wanted to but…

Drakath turns his head away

Drakath: I can’t talk to you.

Robina: Drakath?

Drakath remains silent.

Robina is close to tears, but does her best to remain strong.

Robina: Very well. Take him to the Swordhaven prison.


The hero is sitting in the swordhaven Palace, waiting for word from Robina when a messenger runs in.

Messenger: Hero, the prisoner has requested that you speak to him.
Hero: I will go speak with him. But if Robina calls, fetch me at once.


Inside the prison,

Hero: You requested my presence Drakath.

Drakath: Trust chaos to reveal to you the truth, but only after it tears everything you care about apart.

Hero: What do you mean?

Drakath: I lived my life, only ever wanting one thing. Swordhaven, for me to sit on the throne that was, and still is rightfully mine! Look at what chaos and I did to this place. I have disgraced it.

And Robina, sorry, Victoria. She was the only one I ever loved. When I woke up free of chaos, I thought I could spend my days with her and forget the ordeal. But as it turns out she was the son of my enemy.

Hero: Perhaps you could have put that behind you for her sake.

Drakath: perhaps, but I’ll never know now. She’ll never take me, not after I killed her father and sister. I’ve broken her heart twice now.

Hero: You should not give up just yet. There may be things you can do to atone.

Drakath: I dreamt of killing Alteon for so long. His death was to be a victory I celebrated for life. Now all it does is serve as a reminder of the life that I have lost.

Hero: I don’t know what to think of you Drakath. I some ways, I see in you a broken villain. In other ways, you’re the shadow of a man that could not be. We may have been enemies once, and we may still be. I don’t want to kill you anymore. I want you to either stay in this cell and suffer for your deeds, or for you to show us the man, which chaos concealed. Show us the man that your desires repressed, and hid from the light of day.

The hero walks out, and Drakath stands up to think. Brentan had been listening in on the whole conversation.

Brentan: Hero. Don’t trust Drakath. Nothing good can come of him.

Hero: He is a broken man. He is no danger at the present.

Brentan: watch yourself. There is no room to trust the likes of him.

Weeks go by.

Inside the Swordhaven Courtyard.

Sir Mise: Did you hear?

Sir Pose: hear what?

Sir Mise: Princess Victoria apparently visits the prisoner everyday. She just sits in the cell staring at him, or talking to him. But he never speaks a word. The other knights say she’s loosing it. One moment she’s sad, the next she is angry.

Sir Pose: Well what do you make of it?

Sir Mise: She must be loosing her mind. Having Lore’s greatest enemy in a cell must do her head in.

Sir Pose: Well I heard she has become more reclusive. She’s even stopped talking to her most trusted advises. The hero is the only one she speaks to these days.

Sir Mise: without her father she must be nervous.

Sir Pose: Or perhaps incapable. I think Brentan should be put on the throne.


Victoria: it’s been weeks now Drakath! You haven’t spoken a word. How long are you going to keep ignoring me for!

Drakath Keeps his back turned to her.

Victoria: You broke my heart when you left! And now you kill my father, and my sister! You put me through so much and all you do is stay silent?!?!?!

Drakath stays still

Victoria: Is that it? Do you have anything to say at all?

Victoria waits a few moments, turns around and begins to walk out the cell.

Drakath: Robina, I am sorry. I’m sorry for everything.

Victoria signals to one of the guards to open the cell and She and Drakath hold each other in their arms. The screen zooms out and begins to fade to black.

Just outside the cell Brentan is watching, and is shown to be furious.


Brentan: What do you mean you intend to marry him?!?!?!?!?

Victoria: It’s my choice; I loved him before he was the champion of chaos. And he is rid of it now. He has become the man I remember.

Brentan: How can you do this?! He is the man that killed your father. He is swordhavens enemy. By marrying him you would be making our enemy king over us!!!!!

Victoria: It’s my choice to make Brentan. I am Alteons rightful heir. You have no royal blood to back your claim. Drakath has more royal blood flowing through his viens and a much stronger claim than you.

Brentan: That may be so. But it is no claim that any sane person would accept or allow.

Victoria: My mind is made. I intend to marry him.

Brentan: Perhaps it is. But let us not forget, he is to go on trial for his EXTENSIVE crimes. If the verdict is not in his favor, then he is sentenced to death.

Brentan leaves and Victoria bursts into tears.


A court is layed out with many representatives of lore ready to give their verdict on Drakaths fate.

Courtmaster: we have heard and are familiar with his crimes, but let us hear his testimony ourselves. Drakath, we now call you to the stand.

Drakath: Let me say this. I was brought up, with my birthright taken away from me. Stolen by King Alteon. I am the rightful heir to sword havens throne. I see now that the way I went about trying to claim the throne was wrong. I did it for myself, rather than for you all, the people. I am sorry for the error of my ways and I deeply regret my actions. I admit I fell into chaos. But remember chaos has a will of it’s own, chaos controlled me. I was lucky enough to come out the other end without it. I am stronger for it. I know now that I was wrong, but I am willing to put aside my resentment and work towards the restoration of this world, and the atonement for my crimes. There is a love that I live for now, and I would hate for the one good thing that has happened to me to be cut short.

Courtmaster: Now that we have heard his testimony, we may move onto the verdict. Representatives from Swordhaven, Shadowfall, and the people of Lore are now to give their Verdict. Queen Victoria has been deemed unfit to judge the fate of Drakth, due to her love for him. So in her place, swordhaven has electeated to give a verdict. Brentan, to the stand.

Brentan: This man ravaged Lore, ravaged Swordhaven. He killed our king, and he killed our future queen. For the good of the people, and for the sake of justice, I vote that we do not spare him.

Courtmaster: Thank you Brentan. Will Empress Gravelyn now stand.

Gravelyn: Drakath is responsible for the Death of Sepulchure, the ShadowScythe’s emperor, and for the ruin of Shadowfall. I vote that we do not spare him.

Courtmaster: Thank you Gravelyn. Will Artix now stand.

Artix: Drakath was the champion of chaos. I am the champion of Darkness. I choose to go against my destiny. Drakath, perhaps was controlled. But now I see within him that he is choosing to go against what fate has put him thought. I cannot deprive him of the chance to change. I vote that we spare him.

Courtmaster: Thank you artix. Will Warlic, now deliver his verdict.

Warlic: I sympathize with Drakath. He has gone through much pain. Sometimes, it takes many mistakes for a man to learn the right path to live his life by. It took me hundreds of years before I realized the wrong that I had done. Drakath has realized his error, much faster than I did. I vote that we spare him.

Courtmaster: Thank you Warlic. Will Galanoth now deliver his verdict.

Galanoth: Drakath spent his life guided by revenge. I understand that. Drakath spent his life haunted by loss. I also understand that. I learnt that I was wrong, that dragons were not all evil, that the past can be dealt with and I changed my was. Drakath has learnt his ways were wrong and is prepared to change them. I vote that we spare him.

Cysero: I don’t have a heartfelt reason from my experiences to justify keeping him alive. Keeping him alive might be a horrible idea when you think about it. But if we put him to death now, we’ll never know what could have been and what he could have become. My time machine got confiscated so I can’t check, and I really am curious. So I vote that we spare him.

Courtmaster: Finally let us hear the Heroes account.

Alliagnment choice

He cannot be trusted. I vote that we do not spare him

He can redeem himself. I vote that we spare him.

Courtmaster: Of the 7 chosen representatives four (or 5 if the hero choose to spare Drakath) He is to live. Drakath, you are free.
Robina runs and gives him a hug.

Drakath: Thank you. All of you.

Gravelyn: I will honour the alliance, while we are both recovering from the damage your chaos caused. But expect no lenience from me the next time we meet.

Brentan sits there in anger silently.


The wedding/corination of Drakath and Robina

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife, King and Queen of swordhaven.

Drakath: My people. I feel the need to apologize to you once more. I am your king, and I understand if you hold resentment. My only requests are that you think about my apology, and watch my actions. My efforts go to repair the damage this city has suffered, and the bonds between my people and me. My other request is that if you cannot find it in your heart to forgive me, that you swear your allegiance to your Queen instead of me. I understand that my actions, and even my lineage are not things that are thought of well. It is for this reason that I take Alteons name to be my own, and discard the Slugwrath name. The line of Alteon, and the Slugwrath line now join together to care for the people of swordhaven.

Shortly afterwards

Hero: that was quite a speech Drakath.

Drakath: Thank you. I owe all this to you, you know. My archenemy, which saved me, and then offered me the best advice I could ever ask for. You are forever a friend.

Hero: I did what I needed to do, nothing more.

Drakath: more of you may be required. There are those who oppose me and would see me dead. In time I believe I can win them over, but for now I may be in danger.

Hero: I’ll see what I can do should the need arise.

Meanwhile in Shadowfall.

Brentan: I don’t understand, how could she do this!!! How Could Victoria marry the enemy??!? How could she make him king?!?!? How could she disrespect her father so much, How could she disrespect Britney this way?

Gravelyn: I will help you. Drakath must pay for the death of my than Alteon, and Brittany. My father must also be avenged.

Brentan: So you will help me then?

Gravelyn: Of course I will. You will be the one to liberate Swordhaven from Drakath. Now RISE!!! Brentan, ally of the shadowscythe ,and receive your new found power.


To be continued.

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