Cyber Hunters buff needed (Full Version)

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AssassinOrd3r -> Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 16:03:42)

cyber hunter were doing well i attempted around 10 different builds today and none have worked we may require a new skill or just a boost because its really hard wining as cyber hunter

Ranloth -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 16:11:41)

What kind of boost though? Static Charge buff, to improve the Energy control? Shadow Arts buff, to improve their defensive capabilities? Improving less used/less effective skills, such as Plasma Grenade or CheapShot, to improve synergy with other skills? And so on.

Also, what mode are we speaking? Not trying to say they aren't as effective as other classes, but sometimes one class works better in one mode, than the other. Example? Mercenaries - great for 2v2, but not as effective in 1v1.

DarkDevil -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 16:21:12)

i think the best start is shadow arts , this skill is a tier 4 skill with a high support requirement and it stands no-where near hybrid armor which is a tier one skill.

even with the part that tiers mean nothing but shadow arts is 3 turns of (if enemy is doing 200 damage it will end up reducing 56) 168 total.

where hybrid amor is up to 160 per turn for 4 turns for up to 640 armor total.

the point that shadow arts is very underpowered is undebatable.

Mother1 -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 16:34:53)

@ darkdevil

While this is true Shadow arts does one thing that hybrid armor or any other defense skill can't and that is protect the user while keeping rage gain from going up.

Every other defense skill will in turn increase rage gain since the opponents will be going against more defenses. However with Shadow arts the person attecking will do less because X percent of the attack damage will be ignored which means the opponent will do less damage but since you aren't going against a defensive shield like hybrid armor there will be no increased rage game from this.

AssassinOrd3r -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 16:41:27)

@trans first hru 2nd i mean 1v1 and im thinking of a hp/energy boost for this class and get rid of defense matrix add something useful like blood commander or somthing

Mother1 -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 17:11:47)

@ AssassinOrd3r

Cyber hunters believe it or not is a class made for tanking hence the reason why they have moves like Plasma armor, Defense matrix and shadow arts. Removing Defense matrix would leave them very vulnerable to Smoke since they will have no kind of protection if you remove Defense matrix for blood commander.

kosmo -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 17:45:09)

Peaple dont need to add suggestions to point their feelings whit a class, they could have none, or they could have not understood whats the exact problem whit the class.

Whatever ch has very effective offencive builds, but it sux if used to tank up and heal/emp loop, this because differently from other classes it cant regain much energy whitout good dmg on primary, and it doesnt have an effective hp regain.

In my opinion this class needs a good defencive option, probably a change to static charge, making it work like in early delta, where the energy regain wasnt affected from the dmg dealed (alwaise regaining the same ammount of energy), but whit a very low strenght scale like static smash and assimilation.

Obiusly the energy gain and the cool down needs to be tought and tested well.

NDB -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 21:51:03)

Here's what Cyber Hunters look like to me:

Their Focus builds are just an inefficient version of a focus Tech Mage. The strategy is the same, except the lack Assimilation and Battery. In their place they have Static Charge, which is very unreliable, especially for a build without much strength--Assimilation returns more energy in some cases. Also, Technician is more effective than Plasma Armor in my opinion because it buffs up robot, and costs like half the energy. Cyber Hunters also lack Assimilation, so in order to drain energy they have to use EMP grenade, which, despite being the most powerful drainer in the game, costs a surprising amount of energy, therefore making it almost impossible to loop. Cyber Hunters focus builds pretty much do not benefit in any way for being Cyber Hunters compared to Tech Mages, unless your being really generous.

Cyber Hunter Strength Builds using swords are also just a really clunky version of practically any other strength build because they have no skills to use besides Malfunction, which is pathetic without any investment in support. Static is quite good, but, again, they don't really have any major skills to even use that energy on, so its kind of stupid in my opinion.

The only thing Cyber Hunters have of their own are Poison and/or Massacre builds which is pretty much just a glass cannon build. I'm not sure what the exact win rates of these builds are, but from the looks of it (correct me if I'm wrong), it can't be that high. They can win against people they shouldn't and they can lose to a lot of people they shouldn't. That's how glass cannons work.

Basically any other build is just hopeless, like caster and whatnot.

To sum it up, they are definitely not the worst class out there, I think, but they are lacking in some ways. Their skill aren't bad; their just not good enough.

Xendran -> RE: Cyber Hunters buff needed (2/23/2014 22:43:14)


In their place they have Static Charge, which is very unreliable

It's actually 100% reliable, the problem is it's reliable within the battle. Where the unreliability comes in is whether or not you end up fighting a tank.

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