Pay varium to remove loses (Full Version)

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My Name is Jake -> Pay varium to remove loses (3/1/2014 22:39:07)

I would like the option to pay 50,000 varium to be able to remove my loses and then add those loses to my wins.

What do you think of this suggestion?

Mother1 -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/1/2014 23:03:21)

lol spend 200 dollars to remove all your loses and add them to your wins? If this came into play all I would have to do is lose my way to the top level than spend 200 dollars to turn all those loses into wins.

s0u1ja b0y -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 0:09:09)

Change it to 500 Varium with a 100000 xp and credit boost.

Introduce -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 0:34:25)

are you kidding me???
50000 varium is way to much..

AQisFuN -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 1:18:22)

This idea was suggested before. Not worth spending 200 bucks on something you can't even show off unless you got another billion bucks on you.

edwardvulture -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 2:06:29)

supported !

Zeruphantom -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 2:14:33)

This idea... has no logic at all.

Basically, this idea is completely nonsensical due to the incredibly high cost. I doubt anyone, regardless of their win/loss ratio, is willing enough to fork out such money to buy 50,000 varium; to fix a loss record that can't even be seen!

An idea like this also doesn't correlate very well with the players on the 1v1/2v2/Juggernaut leaderboards. They could just eliminate all their losses with varium and instantly add a crap ton to their achieving win record. This would defeat the purpose of self-achievement and effort.

Not supported. There is no step towards game progression and balance if everyone's going to even out their win/loss record by using a method like this. I personally wouldn't spend $200 for something like this, to be honest.

I hate to be critical, but I can't see any possible implementation of such an illogical proposition.

My Name is Jake -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 2:39:28)


Basically, this idea is completely nonsensical due to the incredibly high cost.

The cost isn't that high. It's only $250. I think it should be higher but for some people it might cost too much if it costs more than $250.

Predator9657 -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 18:18:51)

To make the cost more reasonable, how about 1 varium per loss that will be converted?

Ranloth -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 18:24:39)

But you've lost those battles, not won. So why add them to wins? Next time, hope for better luck and get a better build, instead of faking your ratio.

And there's nothing reasonable about the suggestion. Transfering loses to wins? Last time I remember, if you lose, you lose. Win screen looks different. So yeah, more luck and fix your build.

Mother1 -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 19:09:48)

I could also see this destroying the all time Leaderboards Especially those in juggernaut mode since all someone would have to do is lose enough to get on the all time LB pay 200-250 dollars and boom they are now on the all time Leaderboards due to this.

Leaderboards would become a joke, and anyone who worked hard to get on said leaderboards will be ticked due to this.

Introduce -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/2/2014 19:17:40)

Can't tell if people are serious or not on this thread. lel

Thylek Shran -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/9/2014 13:52:22)

As losses are not visible to other players this suggestion does not make sense.
Converting losses to wins is even more absurd as wins and losses are a statistical
documentation of the past.

lightriftwalker122 -> RE: Pay varium to remove loses (3/9/2014 14:10:15)

$250 just to remove losses that doesnt make sense and 250 is a lot of money money is hard to work for. not supporting this one bit. adding to wins nope.

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