N3344 -> Gauging Interest (3/3/2014 17:44:39)
It has definitely been a VERY long time since I have had any sort of presence here on these boards. For some reason, I am continuously drawn back to these forums and I have realized it is due to lack of closure. So, because of this lack of closure, I figured I will give this one last and final try. Essentially, if this RP were to take off, this is both my hello and goodbye from these forums as I have always wanted to complete an RP here. I am hoping that both currently active members and lurkers will provide feedback for this idea and will even be willing to join if this story begins. Without further ado, here is the idea: Name: Undecided. I have two titles floating around and am willing to bet I will be getting a lot of jokes about them. Anyways, so far I am either considering "Dont Fear the Reaper" or "Dark Horse". Yes I know these titles are music based, but they truly fit the story that I am attempting to tell. Before I begin the plot synopsis, I do want to mention my influences for this RP so it might provide a better understanding and interest of the story. I have always been interested in Greek mythology and love all of the different tales and characters that were created. As such, a large portion of this story is influenced by some Greek mythology and the other portion being influenced by the Bible. Yes I know, quite a contrast. There is, however, a bit of overlap between the two and I feel as if I have created an interesting story based upon their influences. Now for the good stuff. Plot: This is the story of Death (personified as the Grim Reaper) and his brother Sleep (known as Somnus in the story). No, no one will be playing either of these two characters directly, however, they will have a huge part of the story. In fact, they ARE the cause of the story. Anyways, let me explain where the RPing begins and our characters enter. You will be creating a character who is a mighty and skilled warrior, known throughout for their legendary combat skills. However, no matter how great the warrior is, no one can escape Death. Your character, being the mighty and prideful warrior that they are, is not ready to die and pass on from the earthly realm. As such, you make a deal with the Reaper himself. Upon making the deal, your character becomes a servant of Death known as a Legion. Now I know the word Legion typically means more than one, so it seems rather contradictory to apply it to just one single character. However, there is reasoning as to why these servants are called Legion. In the story, all of our characters will die at the same exact moment. When this moment of "group death" occurs and a deal is attempted to be made with Death, the characters will be grouped together into a squad (this occurs with every group death/deal with Death event, hence the term Legion). Yes this means that there are other groups of Legion out in the world, but at the moment, that is not important. Each squad of Legion are bound together by the Mark of the Reaper. When I mean bound, I truly mean bound. If a member of a particular squad dies, the rest of the group is "punished" with severe lack of power and life force. Each squad consists of five members and if four of the five members of the squad dies, the fifth automatically dies. Now, no one in the squad is particularly stronger than the other members. In fact, each member contributes their own individual strengths and weaknesses to the squad which allows Death to have a powerful group of mercenaries at his disposal. Each member also has one particular, character defining power (Telekinesis is already taken... sorry). Legion also have the ability to be incorporeal and invisible within the human/earthly realm and can manipulate shadow(s) as well. Oh, and most importantly, they can easily travel to the Veil (this is the realm where Death and his brother Somnus live and where souls are transported for judgement). The Veil is primarily where the story will take place and contains entrances to the Light and Dark realms as well (i.e. Angelic and demonic beings, respectively). Fortunately and unfortunately, there will definitely be encounters with the Light and Dark realms so bear that in mind. Ok, so youre probably wondering why in the world Death would need servants. Good question. The earthly realm is huge and so is the population of living beings within the earthly realm. As such, it is quite a task for Death to ferry all of the souls into the Veil so that they can be judged and moved to their final resting places. Normally the Legion's responsibility include ferrying souls into the Veil, triggering the events of a beings death, and maintaining the balance between Light and Dark. However, our lucky squad has a more specialized task. That task is to kill the original and first made Legion. Now I am not going to go into why the characters are given this task just yet, nor am I going to give any specifics on Death or his twin brother Somnus. But just know, that this will be quite a fun story to tell. Oh! I forgot to mention, upon making the deal with Death and deciding to become a Legion, Death takes all memories aside from the characters name. The reasoning behind this will be revealed later on as well. I hope I have intrigued you at least slightly with the plot. There are goals that I wish to accomplish with this story as well. They are as follows: -Explain the relationship between Death and his twin brother Sleep (Somnus); Sleep and Death are two separate and individual processes/concepts but are extremely intertwined with each other. Sleep is more for the physical body while Death is the spiritual part. -Explain what Death's scythe is actually used for (aside from reaping, of course) -Explain how Death comes into the possession of each beings "Sands of Time" hourglass -And finally, explain how Death became powerful enough to become one of the Four Horsemen I am really intending for this story to be about character development and creation and am giving some pretty significant amounts of freedom for character creation. Upon some of the things I would like extreme creativity for: -Powers (I know I do not have too much room to talk here as I have chosen Telekinesis for my character, but I encourage some really cool powers to be created, developed, and used); remember, Legion only have ONE defining power -Reason for not wanting to fully die and pass on to the next realm -Means of death (sure your character can die in combat, but I dont want five characters all dying in combat) Granted, I will have final say on the acceptance of the characters, but I trust most will create something that will truly blow me away (please do!). If there are any further questions/comments/critiques, please do not hesitate to post them as I will be enthused by any suggestions/questions for this story. Thanks!