Introduce -> Removal of blocks and crits. (3/4/2014 9:53:30)
Although it won't happen, RNG is a stupid factor in every game.
DarkDevil -> RE: Removal of blocks and crits. (3/4/2014 9:58:50)
this has been suggested before and the reply is always the same.
without blocks and critical all fights will be just boring scripted scenarios without any difference.
Mother1 -> RE: Removal of blocks and crits. (3/4/2014 12:20:45)
Oh sure and we will make strength builds even more powerful in the process while giving builds of thought a nerf they don't need. In other words not supported.
Predator9657 -> RE: Removal of blocks and crits. (3/4/2014 12:38:02)
If you don't like RNG, why not suggest a way of having crits and blocks which are not random but are more predictable?