The Return of Mercenaries (Full Version)

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noremako -> The Return of Mercenaries (3/5/2014 4:22:36)

I have noticed that Mercenaries have suddenly become far more popular, and not at low levels as they are always popular then.

But seriously, there has been an influx of level 35+ mercenaries. Currently I have seen 13 different legendary mercs in 3 days. That is a lot, considering that I am online for about 30 minutes - 1 hour a day.

I am attributing this to two causes:

a) Builds. Mercenaries before have always believed that Static Smash is vitally important. It generally is; energy manipulation has always been seen as the 'passive' skills of today.

But now Mercs have discovered the potency of Sword + Blood Commander + Berzerker, the sweet combination to a 5 round kill.

The skills vary, but the legendary Mercs I have seen almost always have a Maxed BC + Maxed Zerker. Now Static Smash is now a sometimes, backup skill.

This works a lot better, reducing the length of battles and negating the advantage of TM's, the ability to dominate midgame.

Also, Mercs don't seem to use clubs as much. Apparently the extra damage from swords is more useful then Static, which often is the case. Static is a slow and difficult win, while BC Zerker is a fast and easy build to use.

b) The boredom of being a Tech Mage.

Before this Merc rising, 70 percent of legendaries were TM's, 20% Bounty Hunter, and the other 10% the occasional and cherished other classes.

This is what 'Matt 1000' has also told me. He just said 'TM was boring'.

Alot of famous players and wealthy players for that matter have changed. Mercenaries have discovered their main builds and so are the veterans.

Aside from that, it seems that Cyber Hunters are filling the space that BH's left. BH's have changed to CH, for reasons unknown as the two classes have essentially the same tactic. Smoke/Malf, and keep your energy and hp supplies higher then the enemy. Why is this happening? Now, Legendary BH's are rarer then Mercs, a great deal rarer.

I have yet to see a legendary BH on the leaderboard, and the BH's who are are low levellers.

So, what do you guys think?

Introduce -> RE: The Return of Mercenaries (3/5/2014 6:19:51)

Are they actually good right now?
I'm playing in the 20s bracket at the moment, and mercenarys are an easy kill.
Probably because I'm a tech mage though.

noremako -> RE: The Return of Mercenaries (3/6/2014 3:47:30)

Its the problem I see. Most legendary or high level mercs are simply bored TM's or some other class who want to try out an underused class.

Thing is, at high levels, strength percentage skills like Berzerker are extremely powerful due to the damage stemming from the weapon, not strength.

That said, high levels have high hp and moderate strength, thus BCommander is incredibly useful.

And coupled with Zerker, is deadly.

At low levels, there is almost no good build and no build that matches the power of tank casters at that level.

Thus, although there are aplenty of low level mercs, most give up before they reach a strong level, to combat TM's or any strong class.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: The Return of Mercenaries (3/6/2014 4:29:15)

Mercs are completely useless at the low end

and I'm afraid ima have to disagree with u at the high end I feel there almost completely useless

static smash- all well and good if it hits if not your in trouble - the only energy control relys on luck (yeah dex helps but essentially luck will always rear its ugly head)

blood commander- improves with support which makes it hard to make it to decent but the real game changer it takes a turn to activate and is pretty easy to counter since most people have a phy primary + energy gun and aux or energy primary and phy aux and gun . The biggest issue with this though is the turn it takes to use any smart player will punish you for it.

Beserker- awesome if it hits, if not you've just blown your mana.

Overall I honestly playing a mage atm see mercs as I almost guaranteed win.

There only decent skill is HA

My 40 mage makes a merc look like a free win. regardless of lvl

I'll admit my level 33 struggles more up to 36 merc I can beat relatively painlessly , 37 its still doable but the level gap and all the advantages that come with it do become very apparent at this point.

noremako -> RE: The Return of Mercenaries (3/6/2014 4:48:05)

Perhaps I have not explained the new Merc build clearly.

The Mercs do not need Static Smash. They use it in Surgical or Tech builds, or any build that does not have a quick win set up.

The Mercs have 620 energy, perfect for a Maxed Bcommander or Zerker but both aren't necessary. Generally BC is used to quickly end the game and if enough energy is remaining, Zerker is used to make the win faster.

If neither tactic succeeds the Merc usually loses. That said, the Merc wins the round most of the time.

BC is built on Support. At high levels you may notice that most players have a moderation of each stat, close to a focus build but emphasising strength a little more and especially HP. High hp.

Thus, BC will still give 45+ Strength, + the life steal which contributes massively to damage output and for a cheap cost.

kosmo -> RE: The Return of Mercenaries (3/6/2014 5:02:09)

BC isn t built on support at all, the scale is so low that investment into support isn t helpfull.

BC and static give to merc the best strenght sinergy in game, tht s why they are so succesfull recently.

out of topic:
merc whit sword is a crap.

Scyze -> RE: The Return of Mercenaries (3/6/2014 8:38:10)

My Level 3 BC gives me 40 Strength, and I am a tank Merc. With that, I can gain about 25% HP from each hit, so that's enough to tell you how important the Skill is for me. I only have 53 Support too.

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