RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (Full Version)

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Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (12/7/2015 6:07:30)


Demon Rain(Made during the freak rain in my city)

Skull Kid -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (1/26/2016 2:25:47)

Went through the whole thread, all the art is so darn gorgeous! Keep the amazing art coming!


Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (2/7/2016 8:54:42)

@SkullKid:Thanks.I am glad you like it.

I am still on HIATUS from the forums due to Finals but I did draw up some stuff during times of boredom,did some colour switching things and stuff(Very basic so don't mock me)-
> Sword1
> Sword2
> Sword3
> Sword4
> Sword5
> Sword6
> Sword7
> Sword8
> Sword9
> Sword10
> Sword11
> Sword12

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (2/7/2016 9:22:52)


Hajira Throne Blade

Better Version: Hajira Throne Blade

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (2/14/2016 0:38:09)


Green Vortex Buster and Green runed katana(Any better names can be suggested)

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (2/15/2016 12:48:19)

Which old weapon should I Remake or Redraw ?
Here is link to my Photobucket Account and please look through nd enjoy and if you would liek any Redraw or Requests,Please post your messages in my gallery
Link !

Please take your time and select cause I will be picking up on my Drawing after my Final which is coming next month so I will be drawing your requests after 2 months.
Cheers !

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/8/2016 20:44:38)

Warmonger DragonJax has asked me too post a few of his drawings he found somewhere and few he drew during his break from his studies.He is not allowed to use the computer so I am posting for him.I don't know why but he pesters me saying he would forget to do so later.So I link the pictures and when he comes back he can provide the page with the images.

Primal Rage-Dark Dragons of the Apocalypse : Link
The Bluever Weapons: Link
The Rakthanent Weapons: Link
Seishin Hito: Link
Dwarf Super-Sentinel Weaponry : Link
Rakthanent Clan of Blood Paladins(Incomplete) : Link

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/9/2016 0:34:54)

Very nice work still Jax! Keep it up!

LastChance -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/9/2016 5:43:36)

Really nice, would not mind seeing one of those weapons in the game that's for sure.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/10/2016 12:24:41)

@Lastchance:Thank you .Please see my other stuff.Enjoy your stay at my Gallery !
@Noon:Thanks it was my brother who posted it for me.I am not supposed to be here but let me post the completed Rakthanent Clan of Blood Paladins weapons- Link

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/22/2016 9:34:38)


Ebilcorp Samurai Armor(Yes its AQW)

LigerBeard -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (7/23/2016 16:07:30)

Your art is looking awesome as always!

Also, I have a new weapon design I thought I'd show you!


If you can, let me know what you think!

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (11/21/2016 1:07:28)

@LigerBeard: Hey man ! Long time !
Thanks for your praises and the weapon concept is pretty cool maybe you can fill the entire sword with faces and actually have some wisps of phantom faces lifting of the sword will be cool.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (12/18/2016 1:56:40)


Rakthanent Clan of Blood Paladins(Complete)

I don't know how I forgot to post the complete version of the Rakthanent Blood Paladin weapons. I did complete it as soon I posted the incomplete version but I slipped up. Enjoy the late post.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (12/24/2016 3:55:43)

Still doing good Jax. [:D]

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (12/25/2016 2:12:26)

@Noon: Hey Man,Thanks !

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/27/2017 6:15:01)

Hey guys, I am kinda back and ready to take requests. Any and all requests commencements will start after a period of one week so ..... Ask away !

megakyle777 -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/27/2017 6:22:58)

Here's a challenege for you:

Normal Sword: A perfectly ordinary sword with no magic to it. Which when you think about it is much stranger then if it were a magic sword. Merely holding it makes you feel less attuned to magic.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (3/27/2017 6:33:23)

There will be reposts of my old art from the Dragonfable Gallery.The gallery got deleted for some reason even though it was going pretty well but hey I should allow other people who din't traverse the Dragonfable forums a chance to look at me olde arte.

@Megakyle: Challenge accepted .
Wont Look like a normal sword though but Ill make one.

P.S:Would you like fries with that

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (6/2/2017 14:15:12)


The Olyra Ceremonial Sword

Well I failed at Megakyle's challenge but the sword is cool though.

Yozai -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (6/29/2017 0:47:12)


Hey guys, I am kinda back and ready to take requests. Any and all requests commencements will start after a period of one week so ..... Ask away !

A much late reply:

A spear/Old riffle, looks like it's grown together in black wood and silver.
Try give it some vampire slayer/ Werewolf Hunter looks.
Maybe some runes.

Else really nice drawings here [;)]

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (7/27/2017 20:04:16)

@Yozai: Thanks for the goodwill. But I will need to put the request in hold due to me being in college but I will not give up for a lack of trying so I will try to get this through.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (7/25/2018 9:40:29)


Dragon Sovereign's Last Hoard

Link to a better image

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (7/25/2018 11:45:42)


Kingdom Come: Chess-master's Final Gambit

Link to a better image

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Warmonger DragonJax Forgeside Brainsparks (7/25/2018 20:49:18)

Very nice Jax-mon. Keep it coming!

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