Ranloth -> Free Bank storage for Varium items (3/7/2014 8:53:49)
Pretty simple actually - free storage for Varium items. AdventureQuest Worlds has Bank storage which lets you store AC items for free, and likewise with DragonFable and DC items. I'm not sure on MechQuest (whether they have a Bank), and Adventure Quest (Classic) has completely different item system - 6 categories; 8 active items, and up to 29 storage slots per category. In EpicDuel, this would be for items purchased with Varium: - if you buy a base weapon with Varium, and upgrade with Credits and/or Varium - it does falls under being a Varium weapon, because you've purchased it with Varium
- if you buy a base weapon with Credits, and upgrade with Varium - it does not fall under being a Varium weapon, because you've purchased it with Credits.
Purchasing a weapon =/= upgrading a weapon, therefore, upgrading with Varium wouldn't fall under being a Varium weapon. Also, it'd be to prevent abuse - using 10-15 Varium to upgrade your weapon, and make it fall under the "Varium item" category and get free storage. As a note, promotional weapons purchased through the Varium packages would always be classified as Varium items and get free Bank storage.