Delete swords (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Introduce -> Delete swords (3/7/2014 11:22:25)

Delete swords from the game, if you use one you can't use your classes energy drainer - you lose.
waste of server space.

Ranloth -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 11:26:57)

BHs, CHs and BMs can use theirs with a Sword - due to lack of requirements.


Introduce -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 11:28:05)

Lol, if you play 2 of those classes you lose anyway.


Mother1 -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 11:34:20)

Not supported in the least.

It sounds like you want this just because of balance issues that can be fixed. Not a good idea to remove something from the game. If a person chooses to use a sword over a class weapon that is their choice.

Introduce -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 11:39:06)

It was more of a statement, I know that this will never happen.

axell5 -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 11:40:09)

then what about all the packages that included swords and some included ONLY swords? wbu heromart items that gave ONLY swords? example: dage new poster, 10th anniversary, critical hits, sketchbook and what about the swords people bought INGAME?

Introduce -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 12:24:52)


Rayman -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 12:43:54)

Not supported, for above reasons.

And introduce: How come you dont get what axel said? There are alot of promo items that people bought just to get the swords of X promo, theres also the new dage poster that comes with 2 swords, why would they remove them?
And I dont think that my Frostbane will go away.

Samurai_ED -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 19:18:37)

Not supported, they wouldn't even think about removing all the swords people have atm.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 21:58:31)

I would prefer that swords become identical with the other primary weapons
instead of removing them.

Introduce -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 22:28:11)


It was more of a statement, I know that this will never happen.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 22:32:58)

Then why put it in suggestions in the first place rather than in general discussion as a prompt for discussion...


Lol, if you play 2 of those classes you lose anyway.

Not entirely true

Introduce -> RE: Delete swords (3/7/2014 22:36:36)

The question itself still falls under suggestions.
And, you might not lose every battle but you'll have a significant disadvantage.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Delete swords (3/8/2014 17:49:10)


And, you might not lose every battle but you'll have a significant disadvantage.

I still disagree with this. Just because typical builds don't work on a class, doesn't mean there isn't an undiscovered or very uncommon one which can be equal if not better to some of the extremely popular builds right now.

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