Post count? (Full Version)

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Valosity -> Post count? (3/9/2014 12:09:29)

Its not really important to me or anything, but in my post count when you click on my name it says i have 300 something posts
I originally was active on the forums around 2009-2010ish i think, maybe more. Then, i thought y post count was in the 3,000s
As i said, i really dont care what it is, but is this just my memory being wrong or has the forums been sweeped of a lot of posts from back then or something? Just curious


Corvus Corax -> RE: Post count? (3/9/2014 12:20:05)

From the F.A.Q.

16) "Why did my post count drop?"

Deleted posts aren't "remembered" by or reflected in your post count. The forum automagically deletes old threads in most of the boards. Mods delete threads for rulebreaking, etc. In short, there are a lot of ways for posts to be removed.

Many boards on the forums automatically purge old threads, and that will be reflected in your post count. It happens to everyone. :)

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Post count? (3/9/2014 14:22:59)

That, and a while back there was a server issue for the Forums, so when that happened, everybody's post count dropped drastically.

Valosity -> RE: Post count? (3/9/2014 18:15:02)

Ohhh ok, thanks both of you! Didn't think to look in the FAQ, thought it wasnt a very common thing.

Thanks! :)

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