RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (Full Version)

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Chazero -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (9/30/2015 6:27:45)



So... I may or may not be rewritting a polish lullaby (and may or may not sing it) for the finale of Roirr saga.

There's also this little bit as a reply to the above tweet which a part of DarkLore already posted but left a crucial bit out about an estimated release date:

@AlchemistGira: @TomixDF guessing Chaos Weaver comes at end?
@TomixDF: @AlchemistGira That's the plan. Chaosweaver and Fleshweaver should also come out at the same time.



No, the finale is not anytime soon, I'm just planning ahead... let's see if it works out.



If it works out, you might hear my atrocious singing. If it doesn't work out, then it'll just be a background music.

Edit: Some more stuff from Tomix:



According to Alina, this is going to be this week's release.

hidan_orochimaru -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (10/2/2015 16:25:33)

I wonder if Danyel will catch up with Roirr soon.

Also,that place looks beautiful. Too bad Roirr doesn't care about beauty,only soulfood.

LadyYennifer -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (10/25/2015 13:46:28)

Part of the 2016 Calender Class!

Sakurai the Cursed -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (10/26/2015 9:53:16)

Update on the WIP calendar class art. And in the comments for this photo, Tomix sort of confirms that the class is a scribe of time that will "summon DragonFable events."

Chazero -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (10/27/2015 6:47:04)



Female design is finished.
The calendar art already convinced me to save up for it but now, I want it even more. I wonder what the male version will look like.

Sanani -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/2/2015 10:46:48)


Ash ‏@AshendalAE
...thanks for all the fish.

Its a sad day.... (From Ash Twitter.)

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/2/2015 11:36:54)

Just read it. Truly a sad day... I wish you the best Ash, you won't be forgotten here. Take care you damn hero you. * salute*

SonicTbear -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/2/2015 11:40:06)

Not getting payed enough? I thought the military sent checks to veterans at a certain points? Or is Ash still active duty? Or what's going on? I don't expect people to be payed A LOT, but probably enough to give them more of the necessities of life. But it's sad to see him go. But it's good that he's still staying with us and not going COMPLETELY.

Yes...the amount I get per month from the military is enough to pay a quarter of my rent. I didn't retire from the military to get a full amount per month. I get a small amount for getting injured based on the tables for payment by injury type, but that's it. That's the reason I'm having to work two jobs in the first place. ~Ash

Sanani -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/2/2015 11:44:30)

And When Ash said that Mogloween Story is his feels i nearly cried.....
So Long Ash even if this is a not truly goodbye but still.......

hidan_orochimaru -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/2/2015 12:01:26)

We're gonna miss you Ash. You're the best. [:(]

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/2/2015 12:06:45)

I just posted a thread on this as well. Ash deserves to have one so the Staff Information thread doesn't become cluttered. Plus, why not?[:)]

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/18/2015 10:00:17)


In ages past Necromancer’s would infuse their armor with dark runes and souls to reach Paragon levels of power! The Ruins of Marasmus are said to contain relics from that time... but the withered bodies of the Paragon’s victims still haunt its dark rooms.

From the newsletter. Assuming this is about Dage's class!

flashbang -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (11/19/2015 0:57:30)

Yay. As Geo said, it's gonna be a reskin of Necro. So, just Necro, but Dage-ified. And you can switch skins by talking to an NPC, if supergeocode works out fine. If it doesn't, then correctveryluscode works.

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (1/19/2016 14:16:04)

OMG! I almost died of shock when I saw this!

Sneevillord -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (1/19/2016 14:32:57)

@DarkLore, looks Pactagonal knight-ish with some cronix added in. Wonder what thats for?

Sanani -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (2/4/2016 13:37:07)
Marzanna Explanation: Its polish tradition coming from the old legends. She was an old godess of Ice and death. Now its nothing more than tradition happening at the end of winter. People are making a puppets of her and burn or drown them to end winter and start spring.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (2/16/2016 14:16:21)


I've started sketching Fleshweaver, toying with the design for the moment.

And an update:



I, for one, am seriously digging that giant arm thing.



I don't know what caption this needs, so.. just... here... have this.

Rlogg -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (2/18/2016 11:42:16)

A teaser by tomix

I wonder when well see her perhaps in this weeks release
she actually looks like like a technoweaver



Swordhaven, corruption or just a falsehood...?

Its possible swordhaven maybe coming this week for which im super hyped

LadyYennifer -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (4/20/2016 17:19:44)


You know what I have planned for this week's release? Roirr's Saga epilogue!

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (7/8/2016 18:52:05)

Hate to bump this... But I have some really good news!

@TomixDF @FallenDrakath @San_Robin Hey Tomix, any word on FW's progress? Just asking. Not being pushy.
@DarkLore_AE @FallenDrakath @San_Robin Me and Verly have most of the ideas noted down, the execution will be the hard part.

Solanaceae -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (9/9/2016 19:45:34)

Looks like we're playing as Artix?

Here, have at it!

LouisCyphere -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (9/11/2016 13:38:00)

Didn't imagine Mazurek as "thick" person when I saw her in-game.


salene -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (9/13/2016 1:44:57)

Well this is super cool Tomix! Clicky-click

xelessarx -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (9/15/2016 18:22:54)

Volkenraand! <3 I am always hyped for new areas! <3

And San Robin is working on a new questline? Interesting

And a new race! Might they be some inhabitants from Volkenraand?

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (10/2/2016 16:49:02)


Social life? Pfff, who has time for that. Sunday WIP

*heavy breathing*

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