RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/3/2014 1:06:21)

Ok guys its that time of the week again, lets try and inject some activity into Paxia. Starting screenshot.

EDIT: Well I am a little surprised b y the lack of forum activity, lets hope things faired better in game. Ending screenshot.
This week Geoto attacked B1 and B2,Glacius territory. Geoto lost 43 while Glacius broke even, Geoto's attack failed.
Lucian attacked C4 and C6, Aerodu territory. Lucian gained 67 while Aerodu gained 698. Lucian's attack failed.
Glacius attacked B3 and B4, Geoto territory. Glacius broke even while Geoto lost 43, Glacius took B3 and B4.
Aerodu attacked C5 and C3, Lucian territory. Aerodu gained 698 while Lucian gained 67, aerodu took C5 and C3.

An interesting weekend, though not a good one for Geoto, map update coming soon.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/5/2014 21:46:36)

Sorry, had a busy weekend and was not able to post.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/6/2014 3:09:46)

No problem, it is just a shame to see Paxia so inactive.

EDIT: Ok guys lets give it our best this weekend, if Geoto is to survive we must give it our all. Starting screenshot.

EDIT2: Another weekend of no posts, this is getting to a new low for activity. Anyway here is the ending screenshot.
This week Geoto attacked B1 and B4, Glacius territory. Geoto lost 52 while Glacius lost 17. Geoto's attack failed.
Lucian attacked C5 and C3, Aerodu territory. Lucian gained 91 while Aerodu gained 183. Lucian's attack failed.
Glacius attacked B5, Geoto, and A14, Aerodu. Glacius lost 17 while Geoto lost 52 and Aerodu gained 183. Glacius took B5 and Geoto is eliminated.
Aerodu attacked B8 and B11, Lucian territory. Aerodu gained 183 while Lucian gained 91. Aerodu took B8 and B11.

I guess with one territory it was only a matter of time until Geoto fell, still a good game everyone, only three clans left to fight it out for the title. Map update coming soon.

EDIT3: Haven't needed to do this many edits outside of a first post in a while. First post updated with a new map.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/12/2014 4:43:34)

So the mighty Geoto has fell. I'm still honestly surprised that we were able to make such an impact :P

First step Paxia, next the world!

Been so busy with exams that posting hasn't really been a possibility. Fortunately I finished this week so it will be back to active playing and everything!

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/12/2014 7:42:37)

Geoto fell ! The mighty tree of a clan has fallen.Next game I will play so hard that you people will have no territories left.Mind the warning!

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 0:48:37)

sorry bro I couldn't make it. my cousin graduated and I had to attend and also my other cousins from canada came to.

P.S. plus it will give geoto a chance to get into the positive again. then maybe we can get into a better position for future releases, right oliver?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 5:32:24)

Nice to see a sudden burst of activity, especially from my fellow Geotians. Next game we will be ready to fight much harder and claim our second victory over Paxia. As for future releases neo_manni theoretically yes getting back into the positives may be a good thing but at the same time the scores didn't effect the last Paxia event so there is no guarentee they will effect the next. By the way congratulations to your cousin neo_manni.

Could I ask my fellow Geotians to examine the Geoto forum and look at this thread, I have finally drafted a constitution which could us some feedback if you have the time. It is on the last post.

Lemonus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 6:18:45)

Well at least Aerodu is doing well.

Though I'm only in it for the airship, guess I'll have to fight more.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 6:35:03)

@Lemonus Well Aerodu do have one gorgeous airship so that is definitely a good reason to fight for them XD

The territories held by Geoto almost acted as a buffer zone between the three other clans because they held the best positions on the map. Now that they are gone we'll have to see what happens.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 9:18:04)

Oliver Bell @ I skimmed some of geoto's constitution and the stuff I read seems to be in order.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 11:08:30)

Here is an interesting statistic:
Over the last month if this contest
Weekends that I fight: 0-2
Weekends that I don't: 2-0

Correlation? Maybe.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/13/2014 14:57:08)

I think that would be an example of Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, Heroes.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/14/2014 2:20:51)

I think you would need much more data to say that is anything more than coincidence Heroes of the Scape. Thanks for taking the time to read the constitution neo_manni, with any luck it we may soon have elections again.

EDIT: Ok guys Geoto may be out of the runnings but there are still 3 clans left, starting screenshot, good luck to all of you.

EDIT2: Ok thats it for this week, ending screenshot.
This week Lucian attacked B11 and C5, Aerodu territory, Lucian lost 65 while Aerodu lost 58. Lucian's attack failed.
Glacius attacked A14 and B8, Aerodu territory, Glacius lost 2 while Aerodu lost 58. Glacius took A14 and B8.
Aerodu attacked B7 and B10, Lucian territory, Aerodu lost 58 while Lucian lost 65. Aerodu took B7 and B10.

Fairly interesting week, map update is coming soon.

EDIT3: Map updated.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/19/2014 19:52:51)

I wasn't expecting Aerodu to get those Lucian places. I wasn't playing as much due to one of the warmest summers I have ever experienced in my life causing me to enter DA REAL WORLD :O

But I did get a few kills in, but probably not as many as I should have. Hopefully the heat will subside and drop maybe 10 or so degrees :P and then I'll be able to help out more without being called outside to burn haha

What about Geoto? Where do they stand now that they are no longer on the board? Will they continue to participate, or are they biding their time to choose who they support?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/19/2014 21:10:21)

I was kind of hoping we wouldn't be facing enemies from two fronts. Oh well.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/20/2014 3:52:23)

Geoto will be regrouping mostly ready for the next game, though I will personally assist Lucian when I am available.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/20/2014 14:15:34)

Wait, what? Three sides??!! And after all we've been through Oliver. [:(]

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/20/2014 15:12:22)

Face it, Heroes. Lucian is just TOO popular for you guys...joking lol. The help certainly is appreciated when you can give it Oliver.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/23/2014 2:51:05)

I will be helping Lucian as Lucian has helped us in previous games and during this game they are the only one of the remaining clans who never attacked Geoto.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/23/2014 14:45:53)

Hmmmmm...In one more week, school will be out, and then I can return in force to this game. I'll probably need it too.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/24/2014 1:05:21)

Ok guys time for another weekend of PUC, starting screenshot. Only 3 clans left so things should get interesting.

EDIT: Ok guys times up, ending screenshot.
This week Lucian attacked B7 and B10, Aerodu territory. Lucian lost 6 while Aerodu lost 36, Lucian took B7 and B10.
Glacius attacked C5 only, Aerodu. Glacius broke even while Aerodu lost 36, Glacius takes C5.
Aerodu attacked A12 and B9, Lucian territory. Aerodu lost 36 while Lucian lost 6, Aerodu's attack failed.

An interesting week, map update and commentary coming soon.

EDIT2: Map updated.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/26/2014 14:28:35)

Honestly confused as to why Glacius has remained in the game for so long now. Aerodu and Geoto are both greater forces with more people, Lucian has more ambitious fighters on their side. Yet Glacius has more territories than any other at the moment :P

We shall take the world by storm! Haha

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/27/2014 0:49:26)

As for Geoto, I think we were too busy dealing with Dynami early on to contend with Glacius rising, after which we ended up a surrounded. In the current point in the game, perhaps Lucian and Aerodu are just prioritising each other as they regularly get positive scores that are quite high, whereas Glacius tends to break even a lot. Still underestimating Glacius can be fatal, Geoto learnt that lesson very well.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/30/2014 23:41:52)

What happened to Geoto is exactly what happened to Aerodu last game, (and it seems this game as well). We were so focused on removing Dynami that for a period of I think 5 or 6 weeks we would just attack 1 space since that is all that was left of them and left Geoto alone. They later wiped us out and took the championship.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (5/31/2014 1:07:52)

Perhaps you are right, but I if we did not finish Dynami they would have quickly regained their power and defeated all of us.

But back to the week at hand, time for another weekend of war, starting screenshot.

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