GrandadKronik -> Match Making - From a low level perspective (3/19/2014 14:18:20)
TWO COMPLAINTS 1) Match making isn't fair no matter which way you look at it. On numerous occasions I have played against people being 3-4 level difference. I know it doesn't sound like much but when you take into consideration that 4 levels means 20 stat points and 4 skill points, at pretty much any level that would make a massive difference to who's going to win that match. EG, a level 15 playing against a level 18/19, unless they're total noobs or skip 1-2 turns, you're not going to win. Specially not when it's a tech mage who'd easily kill you in two turns without heal, 3 with... 2) This isn't as much of a problem but I just think it'd be fair that the combined lower levels in a 2v2, or the lower level in a 1v1 should go first imo. Just makes it that little bit fairer. For example if in a 2v2, say you're 15 and your partner is 12, but on the other side they're both 15's, then it'd only be fair if the level 12 got to go first. There has been too many occasions in which me or my partner have been 2/3/4 levels lower than those on the opposite side and one of us have died before even managing to take a turn, or taken a turn that doesn't involve having to heal, then still dieing before it went back round to our turn. I'm not saying this ALWAYS happens, but when it's on a regular basis (E.G 4 out of 6 games) it really starts to get annoying. If the match making system on this game was even slightly fairer, it'd be such a better game. (For example, capping the level difference to 2 in 1v1's, & maybe 3 in 2v2's but making the combined level's a 1-2 level difference) Don't get me wrong, there's been games where in 1v1's or 2v2's my team has been the one being higher levels but I still don't find it fair for them, or even fun tbh. I understand that it'd probably take slightly longer to find games with these changes, but overall it'd be a more fair & fun due to it being a PvP game.. I get that there's a lot of things that's already listed to change to make the game more fun or better, but imo I'd rather have these changes made before anything else. Think about it like this, if you started playing this game for the first time, you get to level 6/7, and all of a sudden your next 3 games are against someone 3-4 levels higher, then maybe 2-3 games being around the same level, but then back to playing against level 10's, you wouldn't want to continue PvPing just because of this fact. -End rant here- P.S, still a great game ;D