The World of Lore! (Full Version)

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Jake Harrison -> The World of Lore! (3/24/2014 20:44:01)

The World of Lore!

The Great and not so Great NPC's and places of AdventureQuest Worlds

The 13 Lords of Chaos Arc

SPOILERS! They are very few, but some spoilers are major! Though, it's your choice! Read On!

Adventure Quest Worlds has many storylines and quests for you to play and complete. Plus, there are many areas for you to explore. Within those, are cut scenes with a variety of characters in them. Many of them give you quests but do not participate in battle, those are called NPCs, short for non-playing computer.
Many of these characters belong to a faction, a group that one favors over the other. They are often used in war-type storylines. For example, in the Bloodtusk storyline, there was a war the Horc and Troll factions. There are always two main factions in any story: Good and Evil. However, in Adventure Quest Worlds, there is an extra faction which is Chaos.

Table of Contents

  • The Main Character
  • Heroes of Good
  • Villains of Evil
  • Forces of Chaos
  • Important Places

The Hero of Lore

The Hero
The Hero of planet Lore, the anime-like character you created at the beginning of the game. After you witness the start of chaos at the swordhaven castle invasion, you have sworn to defeat Drakath and his 13 lords of chaos! You go through many battles and quests to accomplish this task (and other side-story quests along the way), getting stronger and stronger! You start your journey at Breakstone Tower after suddenly being struck by lightning down a mountain.

The Kingdom of Swordhaven
Ruled by King Alteon of Swordhaven, the heroes of good try to preserve peace every day. Many of these heroes are found in Battleon, Swordhaven, and other locations. During the war between Drakath and the 13 lords of chaos, the heroes of good formed an alliance with evil. After King Alteon lost control due to being corrupted by Drakath, Swordhaven fell apart. This is one of the two alignments you can choose in the story.

Artix Von Krieger
The last paladin on Lore according to Arryd, his parents were killed by undead and was rescued by Lady Celestia. He grew up to become the leader of the undeadslayers, slaying undead is more of a hobby to him. He was first seen at StoneHand, helping you defeat the Black Dragon then went to Swordhaven to battle the undead. As you progress through the Doomwood storyline, you learn more about him and his past from the NPCs there and the monster, Vodred, the paladinslayer. He broke his axe, the Blinding Light of Destiny, and you helped him fix it before Doomwood 2, and in that saga he helped you stop Chaos Vordred. In AQW Zombies, he helped save Battleon from zombies. He is mainly found in Swordhaven in the Inn.

King Alteon
The former king of swordhaven and leader of the good side of the Good & Evil Vs. Chaos alliance. He has three daughters: Princess Tera, Princess Victoria (also secretly known as Robina the Hood), and Princess Brittany. He has fallen corrupt to the chaos shogun given by Drakath in the swordhaven invasion. It became active in the 12th Lord of chaos saga.

He is an archmage who has amazing magical talents. He helps you learn about your past in The Span and guides you through the chaos realm. He also teleported Battleon elsewhere after almost being destroyed by the 2nd Lord of chaos.

The opposite version of Drakath living in the mirror realm (called a reflection). After the mirror realm was thrown out of order by the 2nd chaos lord, he summoned the Hero to the mirror realm. He is neither good nor evil and especially not chaos due to his reflection in our world. He protected the dragon egg, which is the replacement to the hero's reflection which when destroyed the hero dies.

Princess Tara
She is the youngest daughter of King Alteon. She was thought at /dragonfire to be captured by Bloodtooth the dragon, but in a weird awkward twist, she actually captured him. She was seen at Princess Britanny’s and Lord Brentan’s wedding and the coliseum event also. She can be found in the Swordhaven castle.

Princess Victoria
She is secretly known as Robina the Hood, but is the middle daughter of King Alteon. She defended Swordhaven Castle as Robina at the invasion. Then she was at the royal wedding as Victoria. She often switches between the two.

Princess Brittany
She is the eldest daughter of King Alteon. She fell in love with Lord Brentan during the battle coliseum tournament. She later married him during the 12th chaos lord saga.

Lord Brentan
He is the guardian of the Neverglades. He won the Battle Colliseum tournament and the love of Princess Brittany. He greeted at Breakstone tower. He married Princess Brittany during the 12th lord of chaos saga.

She is the good sister of her evil twin Xang. They are similar to the real-world legend of Yin and Yang. She originally resided in Lore until transported to the mirror realm by Drakath. Her evil reflection took her place and was chaorupted as part of the 2nd lord of chaos.

The Eternal Dragon of Time
He is God of Lore but he was slain by Galanoth. As a result, the Lore of AdventureQuest Worlds was created!

The Empire of ShadowFall & the Shadowscythe
Formerly ruled Sepulchure, the Lord of the Shadowscythe. After the death of Sepulchure and fall of their flying dracolich castle, Sepulchure's daughter Gravelyn became the empress of the Shadowscythe.

The former Lord of the Shadowscythe and father of Gravelyn, the current empress of the Shadowscythe. During the swordhaven invasion led by him, his essence was ripped out and crushed by Drakath.

After the death of her father, Sepulchure the Doomknight and lord of the Shadowscythe, she became the Empress of the Shadowscythe in honor of her father and leader of the Evil side in the Good & Evil Vs Chaos alliance. As you progress the AQW Zombies storyline, you learn more about her and her past. She is found in Shadowfall which now has an alliance base.

The PaladinSlayer who tried to kill Artix in the Doomwood storyline. He reveals shocking points in Artix’s past. After failing in Doomwood, he attempted to kill Artix once again with the help of Sally.

A necromantress who is very young yet very powerful. She allied herself with Vordred and Noxus in the Doomwood storyline. She revived Vordred with power of Chaos in Doomwood Part Two.

Dage the Evil
He is the DarkLord of the Undead Legion. His legion is located in the Underworld. He once had a war against Nulgath the Archfiend in an event that is now rare.

He is an Archfiend. He fought a war against Dage the Evil. He is now in the OverSoul dimension.

He is the grim reaper. He helps the Hero respawn or come back to life. If he is slayed every mortal on Lore is turned into zombies commanded by the killer.

The 13 lords of chaos

The creator of the 13 lords of chaos. He killed Sepuchure and infected King Alteon with chaos shogun in the swordhaven invasion. You know very little about him but he knows a great deal about who you are and who you will be. He has an another version who resides in the mirror realm, the champion of order, Mirror Drakath. Our version resides in the chaos realm, recruiting his chaos lords and chaos beasts.

The 13 lords of Chaos
The chaos monsters created and/or chaoruppted by Drakath in the chaos realm. There are twelve total so far, one remains unknown. They summon and command huge chaotic monsters called chaos beasts who you fight before them.

He is the 1st lord of chaos. He is a battlemage whose skills specialize in inversion. He inverted the town of Mobius which remains inverted even now.

Xing (Chaos)
She is the reflection of the good twin Xing. The mirror Xing and Xang twins are the opposite of the real-world legend of Yin and Yang. She was paired up with evil Xang on Lore and they both made the 2nd lord of chaos.

Xang (Original)
She is the evil sister of her good twin Xing. They are similar to the real-world legend of Yin and Yang. She was originally just evil but now she’s part of the 2nd lord of chaos.

He is the 3rd lord of chaos. He is a dragonlord. Although a different beast was his chaos beast, he controls Stalagbite.

He is the 4th lord of chaos. He is a Yokai. He stole the Hanzamune DragonKoi Blade from Ai No Miko at the DragonKoi tournament. He can also turn into a fox.

He is the fifth lord of chaos. He was bitten by both a vampire and a werewolf making him werepyre.

She is leader of the One-Eyed Doll band. She later was chaorupted to become the 6th lord of chaos. She lead you to believe Discordia was the chaos lord. Now cured, she still rocks out in a couple other events.

He is the 7th lord of chaos. He was originally just a mass of mana. Nobody could harm him in the state he was when you first saw him. Only the Supreme Arcane Staff could do it. He later betrayed Drakath.

He is the 8th lord of chaos. He is a chaorupted djinn. He was controlled by Zahart until you accidentally freed him.

He was the original 9th lord of chaos. He was a troll in Bloodtusk. Khassandra took his chaos from him.

She is the replacement 9th lord of chaos. She was a troll in Bloodtusk. She took the original chaos lord’s place.

He is the professor who taught you of your past in The Span before becoming the 10th Lord of chaos.

Maximillion Lionfang
He is the 11th Lord of chaos. He was once a loyal General of King Alteon until hearing of the Good and Evil Vs Chaos alliance.

The 12th lord of chaos
See King Alteon

The 13th lord of chaos
He's as powerful as the Hero itself, because it is the Hero! Thinking you could prevent there ever being a 13th chaos lord by destroying Drakath then and there led to the biggest war in Lore history: World War Lore! The only hero capable of stopping this invasion now leads it!

Queen of Monsters
Also known as Mother of Monsters, before the Eternal Dragon of Time was slain, she commanded the monsters across Lore. 13 heroes then one day banished to the chaos realm.

The World of Lore!

Code Location: The Map Button
Lore is the whole map of Adventure Quest Worlds. Lore is a planet of many heroes. Though, it is now falling to chaos. Its now a planet of WAR.

Code Location: /battleon
This is home to all heroes, the hero's hometown. This location is where you start off your adventure after taking a break (basically, when log back in you automatically start here). This place was safely teleported to a new location by Warlic after almost being blown up by the 2nd lord of chaos with meteors(can be viewed by talking to Warlic in Battleon town.

Code Location: /shadowfall
The home to the Evil heroes and the ShadowScythe. It used to be a flying dracolich castle but was shot down by Drakath and now sits on a mountain. After the death of Sepulchure, the Lord of the ShadowScythe, his daughter takes his place and becomes the Empress of the ShadowScythe. After forming an alliance with Good, the two sides meet in an alliance base inside ShaowFall.

Code Location: /underworld
This is not the Underworld you may have heard of, it is run by Dage the Evil. The Undead Legion is located there. That is also run by Dage the Evil. There was a war between Dage and Nulgath a while ago and you can view the cutscenes here.

Code Location: /mobius
This is the town featuring the 1st Lord of chaos saga. It was inverted by Escherion, the 1st chaos Lord. It still is inverted to this day.

Mirror Realm
Code Location: /battleoff
This is the realm featuring the 2nd Lord of chaos saga. This is a realm where everything and everyone is the opposite of those on Lore, they are called reflection. The Hero does not have a reflection due to being a single entity. Instead, you have a dragon egg when if destroyed, the Hero dies. It is located here. The mirror realm was thrown out of order due to the making of the 2nd lord of chaos.

Dwarfhold Mountains
Code Location: /tavern
This is the land featuring the 3rd Lord of chaos saga. The dwarves hid because of Vath, the 3rd chaos Lord. They are now free thanks to you.

Code Location: /akiba
This is the island featuring the 4th Lord of chaos saga. It held a martial arts tournament called the Dragon Koi tournament. You were invited by Ai No Miko through a secret message actually saying "HELP ME" referring to the 4th chaos Lord, Kitsune.

Code location: /darkovia
This is the place featuring 5th lord of chaos saga. It was attacked by the 5th chaos lord and there was war between Vampires and Lycans.

Code Location: /mythsong
This is the area featuring the 6th lord of chaos saga. This area is music-based. The people thought they were being attacked by a guy named Discordia but it was the real 6th chaos lord, Kimberly.

Code Location: /arcangrove
This is the area featuring the 7th lord of chaos saga. There is the Arcangrove tower, a tower of magic. Within it holds the para-elemental plane, home to the 7th chaos lord, Ledgermayne.

Sandsea Desert
Code Location: /sandsea
This is the desert featuring the 8th lord of chaos saga. The 8th chaos lord, Tibicenas, attacked this place from the djinn realm.

Bloodtusk Ravine
Code Location: /bloodtusk
This is the area featuring the 9th lord of chaos saga. It's separated by Horcs and Trolls. The two sides thought each other were with chaos and they had a war until the 9th chaos lord, Khassandra, showed up.

The Span
Code Location: /thespan
This is the place featuring the 10th lord of chaos saga. Iadoa, the 10th chaos lord, was a teacher there until he was fully chaorupted.

Code Location: /blackhorn
This is the area featuring the 11th lord of chaos saga. The alliance was formed here. Maximillion Lionfang did not approve and became the 11th chaos lord.

Code Location: /swordhaven or /castle
This is the home to the Good heroes and the royal family. It was attacked by Sepulchure in the swordhaven invasion. It has gone through a lot after encountering the forces of chaos. Swordhaven now stands in ruin thanks to the 12th lord of chaos.

Mount Doom Skull
Code Location: /mountdoomskull
This is where Drakath recruits his 13 lords of Chaos. Chaos is quickly seeping its way onto the lands of Lore. Before making the 13th, it was recently infiltrated by the hero.

Chaos Realm
Code Location: /chaosrealm
Drakath chose all of his chaos lords here. Long before that, the Queen of Monsters was banished here.

Jake Harrison -> RE: The World of Lore! (6/25/2014 16:41:32)

The World of Lore!

Adventure Quest Worlds has many storylines and quests for you to play and complete. Plus, there are many areas for you to explore. Within those, are cut scenes with a variety of characters in them. Many of them give you quests but do not participate in battle, those are called NPCs, short for non-playing computer.
However, now that the Age of Chaos has ended, Lore is left forever changed. Many characters and areas were destroyed and also gained. Now, a new evil has arisen, yet somewhat familiar. This is what is left of Lore in the 2nd age. Anything can happen in:

The Ancient Evils Arc

Note: This arc is still new and is currently being worked on by the AQW team, MUCH more information will be coming out in the future. Until then, BATTLE ON!

Tables of Contents

  • The Main Character
  • The Alliance
  • The Titans of Chaos

The Hero of Lore

The Hero
The Hero of planet Lore, the anime-like character you created at the beginning of the game. After you witness the start of chaos at the swordhaven castle invasion, you have sworn to defeat Drakath and his 13 lords of chaos! You went through many battles and quests to accomplish this task (and other side-story quests along the way), getting stronger and stronger! After finally defeating Drakath and his 13 lords of chaos, the Hero must return to the World of Lore to battle an even greater threat- the Queen of Monsters herself!

The Alliance
The Forces of Good and Evil

Artix Von Krieger
The last paladin on Lore according to Arryd, his parents were killed by undead and was rescued by Lady Celestia. He grew up to become the leader of the undeadslayers, slaying undead is more of a hobby to him. He was first seen at StoneHand, helping you defeat the Black Dragon then went to Swordhaven to battle the undead. As you progress through the Doomwood storyline, you learn more about him and his past from the NPCs there and the monster, Vodred, the paladinslayer. He broke his axe, the Blinding Light of Destiny, and you helped him fix it before Doomwood 2, and in that saga he helped you stop Chaos Vordred. In AQW Zombies, he helped save Battleon from zombies. He is mainly found in Swordhaven in the Inn.

Princess Tara
She is the youngest daughter of King Alteon. She was thought at /dragonfire to be captured by Bloodtooth the dragon, but in a weird awkward twist, she actually captured him. She was seen at Princess Britanny’s and Lord Brentan’s wedding and the coliseum event also. She can be found in the Swordhaven castle.

Princess Victoria
She is secretly known as Robina the Hood, but is the middle daughter of King Alteon. She defended Swordhaven Castle as Robina at the invasion. Then she was at the royal wedding as Victoria. She often switches between the two.

After the death of her father, Sepulchure the Doomknight and lord of the Shadowscythe, she became the Empress of the Shadowscythe in honor of her father and leader of the Evil side in the Good & Evil Vs Chaos alliance. As you progress the AQW Zombies storyline, you learn more about her and her past. She is found in Shadowfall which now has an alliance base.

Loremaster Maya
She is a loremaster, someone who studies the world of Lore, she also can help the Hero on missions when he or she needs information.

He is an archmage who has amazing magical talents. He helps you learn about your past in The Span and guides you through the chaos realm. He also teleported Battleon elsewhere after almost being destroyed by the 2nd Lord of chaos.

The Titans of Chaos
The Ancient Evils

Queen of Monsters
Also known as Mother of Monsters, before the Eternal Dragon of Time was slain, she commanded the monsters across Lore. 13 heroes then one day banished her to the chaos realm. After Drakath was defeated by the Hero in the Chaos Realm, the Queen of Monsters managed to escape to wreak havoc upon all of Lore.

Jake Harrison -> RE: The World of Lore! (8/10/2014 12:54:51)

The World of Lore!

Seasonal Event Characters

The Lore of Adventure Quest Worlds is a very strange place, and has very interesting tales and traditions. At special times, we celebrate various holidays hosted by various cast of characters. The most frequently celebrated holiday is Friday the 13th, hosted by the NPC Voltaire. There are others like Frostval, Mogloween, New Year's, etc.

Table of Contents

  • Fall Holidays
  • Winter Holidays
  • Spring Holidays
  • Summer Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
  • More Info

    Fall Holidays

    Code Location: /mogloween
    Also known as Halloween, this event is based off of scary monster themes. It features Safiria and her sisters. Monsters include undead, moglinsters, werewolves, etc. It continues in /mogloweengrave, /candyshop, and other maps.

    Code Location: /harvest
    This is AQW's version of Thanksgiving. It comes around the same time Thanksgiving starts each year.

    Winter Holidays

    Code Location: /frostval
    Also known as Winter and/or Christmas, it is based of snowy themes. It features some of Lore's cutest moglins like Blizzy, there is also Robina the Hood, etc. When Frostval appears again, an all-New Frostval event is released. The old Frostval events will still be available.

    New Year's Day
    Code Location:/newyear
    This is celebration of the year ending. It even has a Crystal ball as in real life. It is a part of Frostval.

    Spring Holidays

    Earth Day
    This is a holiday event based on Earth Day. It comes around once a year in April.

    Lucky Day
    AQW's version of St. Patrick's Day, it comes around once a year in March.

    Summer Holidays

    Code Location:/battleon
    This time of the year doesn't really have a specific event, but in Battleon NPC's appear. For example, an dolphin NPC always appears in Battleon with a summer themed shop.


    Friday the 13th
    Code Location: /voltairehat
    This event appears every Friday on the 13th of any month, it's the luckiest day of the year. It's hosted by Voltaire and Deady. The map /voltairehat has every Friday the 13th event released and it's available at any time.

    Talk Like A Pirate Day
    Talk Like a Pirate Day is a Pirate themed as a seasonal event. It usually comes around on September 19th.

Jake Harrison -> RE: The World of Lore! (10/6/2014 19:55:11)

More info

Keep in mind:

  • All accessible NPCs have an "!" bubble above them in which you can click on and access information, quests, and shops.
  • All maps can be accessed by utilizing the /join function, like /join battleon, even though many are not visible on the world map
  • The majority of the character information in the game ( not just listed in this guide) can be located through the search engine on the Adventure Quest Worlds wiki links below:

Official Aqworlds wikiý
Unofficial Aqworlds Wiki
(still helpful)
In the AQW Guides section of the forums, look for some storyline guides.

Try these links:
Storyline Walkthrough: Chapter 1 - The 13 Lords of chaos
Green Guard Forest Guide
J6's Area Walkthrough
Tercessuinotlim Walkthrough
Guide to Dage the Evil & the Undead Legion

Shadowhunt -> RE: The World of Lore! (6/6/2016 21:45:52)

Jake Harrison has relinquished ownership of this guide and it has been added to the Vacancies list for anyone interested!

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