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Asasinar -> Asasinar (3/25/2014 15:48:27)

Asasinar: A tale of Mastery

asasinar- Gallican language, noun, murder

After the Chaos was elimnated from the world of Lore, Dage decided to attempt
to take over the 'softie' Gravelyn's throne. And when Gravelyn learned of this, she
even dared one who told her of; Asasinar, Son of Dusk. He immediatly grabbed his
Blade. He had named it, "Wings." He had not heard of Dage before of this
moment. He began to train, every stroke got better, every breath got quieter, every
attack more precise, every skill sharpened, every second he was deadlier. And after
6 days, he was ready for whatever it is he was facing. And as he saw a large, black & blue figure. With an army of Undead, Zombies, and something he cannot classify. Smaller than he, has one long Katana blade. The one known as Dage pointed at me. And before he knew it, it was already less than 10 metres away.

Wings urged to his left and, in an instant, the blade pierced the grayish man who
appeared before him. Dage continued in the slow, rythmic motion in which he was
walking. And again, he pointed. But this time, to seemingly nothing. And as the
Katana went by his ear with a seemingly deafening 'wuush,' He felt a sense of fear
and retribution.

Wings spoke "Look behind." And the blade urged behind him as it stabbed
through two of the gray figures in which he had hears of called, "Blademasters."
He drove the blade into the wall behind him, and the blade submitted a large, red
pulse, causing the Blademasters to implode a orange substance.This pulse was a
little too strong. It had struck Dage and his army, sending him into a fury. He sent all of his troops, including at least 50 Blademasters, 10 Titans, and 1000's
of Soldier, Bruisers, and even some of Nulgath's troops.

And after the battle one stood. And Asasnar spoke; "I live to battle. Battles end,
but I remain." He chuckled as he looked at the large man, killed of decapitation.
He had forced Wings into an actual pair of Grim Wings. He had taken two Titan blades, the blade of Dage, the Legion blade, Caladbolg, and the Holy blade,
Ragnarok. And now, he dual-wields them. As he went back to Gravelyn, she
simply stared in amazement. And right about now she was thinking of the heir to
the Throne, Dusk, his father. But he is already in a point of command. So that
makes him heir to the Throne. But, this would require... and she agreed with the
terms. And as he sits comfortably with his wife, Gravelyn, he repeated to himself, "Asasinar, King of the Shadowscythe and Lord of the Underworld. This is gonna be fun."

And it was just that.

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Asasinar -> RE: Asasinar (3/25/2014 20:59:06)


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