Whirlpool (Full Version)

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Koree -> Whirlpool (4/3/2014 12:51:46)


«Mana-efficient Water spell. Has good accuracy, but does less damage.»

Also see Undertow, Riptide, Drag, Downwell and Eddy.

Location: Talk like a Pirate Day
Element: Water
Level	150
PowLvl	153
MPLvl	152

Price	22004697
Sell	11002348

MPCost	392
Hits: 6
Type: Magic
Element: Water
Damage	21-63
Stat%	131
BTH	43
On Lucky Strikes, you receive an additional +LUK/2.

The souls of pirates lost at sea help you churn up deadly waters to send your foes to Davy Jones' Locker!


Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Corrections thanks to infuturity and Xrai. Image and write-up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


Starts off as a standard spell:
Level	150
PowLvl	153
MPLvl	152

MPCost	653

Damage	179-537
Stat%	1110
BTH	38
The spell does 75% damage but costs only 60% MP. This damage modifier does not affect Lucky Strikes, so you effectively gain +LUK/1.5 damage on Lucky Strikes. The spell gain +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. Since there are six hits, each hit does *1/6 damage.


September 23, 2013: The spell was released.
February 6, 2015: Lucky strike stat bonus updated from +LUK/1.5 to +LUK/2.

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