RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Red Komet -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 14:00:33)

@ShadowMoon: Well in The Greek Version Chaos is depicted as a Primordial God who created The Universe and is also The End of The Universe as well which also fits the Evil God Stereotype due to being both the force of who created the universe and being a negative force

Anyway the only thing that seems close is that Chaos created life just like the Greek Version except the only known life Chaos Created are the Monsters

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 14:32:10)

i was talking about the mythology meaning of chaos, not the god chaos

sithdragon123 -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 20:37:28)

It is strange that chaos in many mythologies is considered like some boiling soup of nothingness and everythingness. Funny, considering that discription isn't too far away from how our solar system was before the gasses bacame the sun and planets and gravity pulled together the rocks the become our planet and a few more (I'm just generalising here.)
When it comes to mythology, I suppose I see the Egyptian version of chaos and Apophis the serpent that each day tries to destroy the sun and bring the universe to how it was. Chaos.
And so it is why I don't see why we group everything in Good, Evil and Chaos. I and I know quite a few others here always question why Good and Evil and rightfully called Kingdom of Swordhaven and The Shadowfall Empire. As I see it Atleon is a king that got lucky enough for all his subjects to like him and is known to have been a herioc figure of his time and thus is good. The Shadowscythe is made up of beings aligned with the element Darkness and worked to bring Sepulchure and this the Realm of Darkness to power. It consists of a large community of necromancers and use the dead as their servants which is taboo. They thusly have no regard for life and are merciless, hence they are 'Evil.'
My question for everyone which pulls everything I said back on topic is: So why exactly is chaos a mixture of good and evil?If destruction is something that 'evil' does, whether it be destroying something physical or an ideal or value. And destruction is basically uncreation. If chaos is what was before everything came together and was created, isn't chaos just the most ancient form of evil? I don't see how in any way it is a combination of 'good' and 'evil. AQW Chaos bends minds into submission, it warps, it destroys. It sends out armies to infect others and to destroy. It creates confusion and destroys order. How in any way is that good?

Red Komet -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 20:58:51)

Anyway there are times where The Chaos Lord dose not look like a Chaos Lord with The Twins as separate entities with only Xiang looking like a Chaos Lord and even Kimberly dose not look like a Chaos Lord which makes her a good example of a Plot Twist and not being obvious(Unless you saw the late arrival spoilers that take place after the Mythsong Arch) and 13 can obviously look like a Chaos Lord due to their saga being in The Chaos Realm

thulsa doom -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 21:08:25)

I've never seen Chaos in this game as anything but a competing faction of Evil (but with a poor fashion sense).
On the most primal level one could say that Drakath was compelled to slay Sepulchure much as the Lion is forced to kill the Leopard. It's all about territory and hunting rights.
Now I realize that this has little to do with the story, but I think it's an interesting psychological look at the characters and it underlines your point that Chaos is just another Evil.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 21:31:48)

well, chaos is not always just purple tentacles & eyes

destruction is something that 'evil' does, whether it be destroying something physical or an ideal or value. And destruction is basically uncreation. If chaos is what was before everything came together and was created, isn't chaos just the most ancient form of evil? I don't see how in any way it is a combination of 'good' and 'evil. AQW Chaos bends minds into submission, it warps, it destroys. It sends out armies to infect others and to destroy. It creates confusion and destroys order. How in any way is that good?

its kinda hard for any "good" to count destruction as "evil". that whole "destroy" someone thing came from that censorship paste over on the words "kill", "death", "dead", ect. sad that so many people fear guns & death & fear kids knowing about them that they get completely shocked when, after not teaching their kids about it, a kid kills someone after playing with a gun that they found & never learned was dangerous & taught kids a false definition to the word "destroy"

sithdragon123 -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 22:09:51)

Yes I probably used the word destruction too generally and I understand its value in being more 'kid friendly' than kill. But seeing how good and evil are perceptions, people generally like their lives, values and worldly possessions intact. One might consider the one who takes any of these away from him/her to be 'bad' or even 'evil.' It depends on the person and what was taken from them. The lives of their family would be considered evil while a worldly possession may be a string of colourful words followed by thief. Chaos too can be on small or large scales. For someone like say, Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory, not following the daily protocols would be considered as letting the day go to chaos. Disorder. Or chaos can be killing someone's entire family and having them go insane out of grief. My point is that chaos and evil are basically one and the same. My point just going against the people (that once included me) who say chaos is just evil painted purple as "What do you expect. Tomato, Tamato. Evil, chaos."
My opinions anyway.

Saoni -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 22:24:04)


Evil and Chaos are clearly entirely different things, Evil being profoundly immoral and malevolent and Chaos being complete disorder and confusion.

Disorder and doing something bad are different things. However something bad can lead to disorder.


gatordude910 -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 22:26:23)

Chaos has no real definite form... lol Let chaos be chaos and stop the banter about the greek gods and what not Chaos is just simply chaos it can not be held within the lines of any imagination....[8|][8|][sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

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ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 22:30:19)

@ULITRA DESTROYER but doing something "good" can also lead to disorder as well. every action has an equal & opposite reaction.
darkness is born from light & light is born from the darkness. if there was no light, no one would know of darkness. if there was no darkness, no one would know of the light.

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Saoni -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/9/2014 22:40:56)


True dat


One is not a chaos lord if they dont have a abundance of tentacles and purple eyes, the purple is just a way for AE to let you know, "hey, this is chaos".

From my understanding anyone who causes enough chaos and summons a chaos beast is a chaos lord, Drakath kinda just gives some people a push.

So actually purple tentacles and eyes are just a logo of Drakath not Chaos as a whole.


I've never seen Chaos in this game as anything but a competing faction of Evil

Evil+ The whole rest of *Enter whatever AE calls the world". Chaos fights everything, but not really fighting.

Remember Chaos is not just disorder but confusion.


Red Komet -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 2:39:28)

@ULITRA DESTROYER: Any organization has minor members who do not wear their flags and even Minor Gang Members don't wear their flags just to bring a perfect cover you can compare Chaos as a whole to a Gang with some Members not wearing their flags also The Purple Tentacles, Color, Demon Wings, Horn and Purple Body Horror as WEARING THEIR FLAGS

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 4:18:08)

thats not really a patriotic flag, thats a side effect. chaos tends to funtion more like a virus. most of the chaos lords, including Kimberly, where either chaorrupted, manipulated or just plain delusional.

Red Komet -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 4:23:30)

Kimberly is Chaorrupted and not looking the Part at the same time and she dose show purple eyes when The Hero defeats her and even Krellenos is able to hide his Chaorruption

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 6:02:45)

think about vaccines. vaccines are a small amount of a virus injected into your bloodstream in order to help your body build up immunity. kimberly was already of the chaos element before drakath chaoruppted her & Krellenos was probably already slightly attuned with chaos before drakath & the twins gave him a little push into madness. at the same time, you gotta wonder why so many who fight chaos are seemingly immune to it or at least highly resilient to it unless first encounters with it acted like a vaccine

itnaoreh321 -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 8:53:08)

Chaos is not good or evil but it is capable of doing both good and evil. Unlike good and evil it is not a moral concept it is simply a state of disorder. And in the game it is used like a weapon. It can be used to take lives but it can also be used to save lives. It all depends on the person who uses it. Drakath is extremely evil so of course he is going to use it for evil purposes.

That being said how many more storyline filler releases do you guys think there will be until they finally continue the main story line? My guess is 4 or 5.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 9:55:55)

the main story starts back up in the summer. the first day of summer is June 21 & the first day of autumn/fall is Tuesday, September 23
they give out a new mini story release once a week most of the time so it will be from 1 to 23 more weekly mini-storys depending upon their tradition for saying its gonna end at one point just for it to be rescheduled for a later date. i wouldn't be surprised if this thread falls back into obscurity by then

Saoni -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 10:16:04)


take lives but it can also be used to save lives. It all depends on the person who uses it. Drakath is extremely evil so of course he is going to use it for evil purposes.

Is that what you took from all the 12 chaos lords? Drakath is not evil, his goal. is to cause disorder and confusion.


That being said how many more storyline filler releases do you guys think there will be until they finally continue the main story line? My guess is 4 or 5

Filler? What they release is not filler, there are no "fillers" in aqw its a video game not a tv show. Everything they release is new content with its own story and significance.


ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 11:39:57)

@ultra actually most tv shows don't have fillers. fillers can only be used on anime that was based on a manga, such as bleach & naruto which are both infamous for the amount of fillers & flashbacks they have & are both currently having a filler season being dubbed right now while both of the mangas their based on are in the middle of the final war. i wouldn't be surprised if naruto gets finished before the chaos lord saga ends.

also drakaths goal is to release MoM. honestly, i think Dr. De'Sawed or cysero would make a better champion of chaos then drakath. drakaths to organized in his plans. both him & his mirror both plan the same way.

Red Komet -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 14:44:45)

@ShadowMoon: More like something of Hiding Chaorruption and can be compared to a witch hiding her true form in some media while other witches can actually not look like witches

Anyways wonder if either someone tells Nulgath to give Drakath wings or that Nulgath just came up with the idea considering that he is the artist of AQW Drakath

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/10/2014 15:57:54)

there are viruses that can go latent only to resurface later. chaorruption acts just like a virus.
what do you identify a zombie by? a moving corpse that feeds on humans.
what do you identify chaos by? purple tentacles & eyes
a type of zombie that you wouldn't be able to tell was a zombie? vampires
a type of chaorrupted being that you wouldn't be able to tell was chaorrupted? kimberly
vaccines & latency? depends on the virus, for some theres is no crue, others wait around & get you later
funny how the same system can be used to identify police forces...

301st Legion -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/11/2014 4:24:44)

Come to think of it, even if the whole (kill the chaos goons, kill the Chaos Beast, kill the Chaos Lord, rinse and repeat) scheme has made Drakath so predictable, the Hero is unconsciously leading himself to his own demise. Given that Drakath isn't even miserable that he loses every Chaos Lord to our hands, he is only contented about the fact that the Chaos Lords have merely one purpose (and that is to raise the Chaos Beast) and nothing else. So if everyone thinks that Drakath is predictable and that we could see it coming a mile away that we are sure in stopping all Chaos Lords, then I think we should think again. Because we are only helping him open the Chaos Gate.

Unless we think of a different scheme (such as kill the Chaos Lord before he raises the Chaos Beast) then we are only leading the Hero to his own downfall. I'm surprised that the Hero hasn't even thought about this scheme himself. The Hero should go after the Chaos Lord before the Chaos Beast is even raised. If this doesn't happen, then we do not know what kind of unpredictable move Drakath has up his sleeve. No wonder Drakath moves us like a puppet as a part of his plan.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/11/2014 5:47:21)

its already confirmed that the hero will try break pattern & try to take out drakath before 13 rises because of the drakath mock/spoiler battle that they released before the 13th part of the saga began, but will ultimately fail

Beshin Adin -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/11/2014 12:13:54)

btw, the Weavers might predate MoM, but they don't predate Chaos. The Queen just needs inner turmoil, and Drakath can chaorrupt her

Red Komet -> RE: =AQW= 13 Lords/Beasts of Chaos Discussion Thread (4/11/2014 12:42:35)

@301st Legion: Use They instead of just "He" since we can choose The Hero's Gender

Anyway would be nice to just know who 13 is

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