I suggest that when you rank up to like 7, as in legendary ranks, it should pop up as if you were leveling up regularly. For example, "Congratulations! You have reached Legendary Rank 20!" This would notify players who buy legendary stats that, "Oh, i should buy my legendary stat." This would be really helpful, any feedback is fine!
Ranloth -> RE: Ranking Up (4/8/2014 12:33:04)
I think you've asked the wrong question - is there any reason NOT to have this added, would be better, because - seriously - I can't think of one.
Supported, and self explanatory as of to why.
The berserker killer -> RE: Ranking Up (4/9/2014 17:54:41)
I love this idea. Right now it's kinda of a hassle to keep checking. Devs can even make Ranks like: