Ranloth -> RE: blood hawk nerf (4/9/2014 16:17:26)
Two classes don't have offensive debuffs. Which one will you target - debuffs, the Bot, or the combo? Also: Heal is ALWAYS useful, since skills deal damage and Heal gives it back to me. Overpowered. >.> Assault Bot is also very useful, because all classes have debuffs, but it's not overpowered. Item being very common in PvP =/= overpowered. Was said before already. Balance needs a logical argument, if you think something is under or overpowered. Without explaining what the problem is, and suggesting a solution of your own, it's a complaint that serves no purpose. If you want us to agree with you, put some thought into your post since it's YOU raising an issue, and you don't even explain why it is, apart from a bad argument, which makes no sense.