Make the skill descriptions say what they actually do (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


SS -> Make the skill descriptions say what they actually do (4/8/2014 15:20:05)

My suggestion is to make the skill descriptions, which are visible when you hover the mouse pointer over them, say what the respective skill does, all it's effects.

Like, for example, the description of the energy parasite skill should mention also how much damage the skill does, not only how much, or better say little, energy you drain and gain.

The berserker killer -> RE: Make the skill descriptions say what they actually do (4/22/2014 23:39:13)

This will be extremely helpful. I would love to know exactly how much damage skills such as Parasite are capable of doing.


--Ghost God--

Seteriel -> RE: Make the skill descriptions say what they actually do (4/23/2014 4:31:55)

There are many skills which not explain fully what they do or how they work. Supported.

The berserker killer -> RE: Make the skill descriptions say what they actually do (4/23/2014 12:55:38)

Exactly. Some players may say "use strategy" but I do not feel like pulling out a calculator every time. If a skill only hits 50 damage then say it.

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