Nightmare Incarnate (Full Version)

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Hikaru vi Britannia -> Nightmare Incarnate (4/9/2014 21:16:38)

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. All characters portrayed are fiction, and may not resemble any real life counterparts. Contains things that may be unsuitable for certain persons. Enjoy.

~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~

I remember his eyes.

A deep, dark abyss, trapping all light inside like a void. He seemed to survive on a thread, a passion for violence.

The rumors spread. The deity of destruction, the Paladin of Death.

The village was attacked. I still see the fear in my mother's eyes.

I still see it.

The past cannot be rewritten. The game of life has begun.

And I will win.

~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~

Chapter 1 ~ The Shadow Isle

"Warlic, I finished the spell!" Cysero announces, handing Warlic a brown leather encased box.

"Good," Warlic says, examining the box, "I can't seem to pick up any arcane readings from it."

"That's because what's contained inside the box is more advanced than any mere spell!" Cysero scoffs.

Warlic sighs and opens the box.

"Cysero, I hate to break it to you, but this is a sock."

"Do you like it?"

Warlic sighs, handing the box back to Cysero, "We need answers! Those portals are getting out of control!"

"Why don't you ask Nythera if she can help?"

Warlic turns away, "I'm afraid she's out on an assignment right now."

"An assignment? Which one?"

Warlic looks down, "She took the S-Class mission, Cysero."

Cysero stares are Warlic for a second, then laughs, "Ha! I thought you were hopeless!"

Warlic looks up in shock, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, really, I thought you didn't have it in you to make a joke! That was rather dark though, you mig--"

"No Cysero. I mean it, Nythera is investigating the mountainside as we speak."

Cysero face contorts, and he grabs Warlic's shoulders.

"You mean she went in to the Shadow Realm?! By herself?!"

Warlic pushes Cysero off him, "She's more than capable of handling herself, Cysero."

"That's not true, and you know it!"

Warlic stands silent, realizing he won't get a reply, Cysero turns around.

"I'm going."


"To the Shadow Islands." Cysero says, slamming the door.

~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~

"Artix, what are you doing?"

Artix looks up from his table, "Nothing."

Robina walks over and picks up a mug, "Oh really? Then what's this?"

Artix shakes his head, "It's just water Robina, you can cool down with the theatrics."

Robina screams in annoyance and turns on her heel, "You can really be insufferable sometimes, Artix. Your friend is out there, risking his life..."

Artix sighs, "You think I haven't noticed? I would do anything to be out there with him."

Robina turns around, "Then why don't you!"

Artix stands up, pushing the table foward a little, "You know exactly why."

Robina moves foward so she's standing toe to toe with Artix, "Grow up. Why do you think something will happen?! Are you scared!"

Artix looks down, "Yes. I am."

Robina starts, but then goes silent and grabs Artix's hand.

"We're here for you Artix. We won't let anything happen to you. We're your friends."

Artix remains silent, and Robina releases his hand.

"There's a scouting mission signed off for tomorrow. You can go; if you want."

Artix looks up.

"I'm pretty sure it'll be backed up though," Robina continues, "With all the fuss Cysero is making about Nythera..."

Artix takes a step back, "Nythera?"

Robina looks up, "You didn't know? She got sent off on that S-Class mission to--"

Artix grabs his sword from the rack and starts out the door, but not before Robina can grab his arm.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

Artix looks up, his eyes hard.


"There's no time to waste. Nythera is in trouble."

~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~


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