Let NPCS help in war! (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Let NPCS help in war! (4/11/2014 17:30:05)

It won't be fair to let them fight, but I propose that depending on your activity, the NPCS aligned with your alignment will do a reasonable amount of influence in the war at the end of the day.

Option A) Say if Legion does 2 Million influence in war in one day. At the end of the day, NPCS aligned with Legion will contribute an additional 15% so 300,000 influence.

Basically I am suggesting that NPCS contribute an additional 15% (Or whatever % you guys decide) of their sides influence on that day but break it up so that the higher level NPCS do more but the total still adds up to the 15% (or whatever % you decide). By this I mean that Legion NPCS such as Nightwraith who is level 40 will contibute a higher amount of influence than Habuki yet all of their influence still adds up to the decided %. ( Ithink 15% is fair).

I like Option A because its based on your alignments activity.

Option B) This is sort of a P2W option but I suggest that we can hire NPCS of an alignment for a price paid wit5h Credits to do a certain amount influence. For example, the War Bombs now does somewhere around 40 damage. NPCS like NW can be hired to do 100 damage, lower than Superbombs in order to keep the Superbombs worth the Varium. The lower the level NPC you hire, the least influence you will do. There can even be a Option for them to more dmaage than Superbombs by paying more avrium.

I like Option B because it provides damage closer to the Superbombs for non-varium players.

I am really sorry if this is worded in a confusing way but please try to understand! It will be an awesome feature.

--Ghost God--

Thylek Shran -> RE: Let NPCS help in war! (4/12/2014 1:11:54)

The problem is that the 15% bonus has nothing to do with NPCs. And I donīt get the point of this suggestion
as wars are for players and not for NPCs which are just code.

Mother1 -> RE: Let NPCS help in war! (4/12/2014 1:35:42)

@ thylek

This idea sounds similar to what the staff did with the infernal war. if you remember that war, you could fight along side NPC's in two vs two, or if there wasn't any active players/enough active players, NPC filled the roles of the players in battles.

Every war we had before this one has some sort of NPC part in the war be it frostland, Infernal, or Ebilcorp.

As it is now with this war, matches are coming slower than ever especially during none peak times due to the following

1 The player pool is a lot smaller than it was during the delta phase where all the other previous wars were happening
2 There aren't an NPC to fill in for the wait times like before.

Adding NPC's to this war would indeed help speed up search times and help make these wars go faster. Not to mention more players can have fun with this war since they won't be battling the same players with the same overused builds due to bad balance either.

The berserker killer -> RE: Let NPCS help in war! (4/12/2014 11:26:15)

I am sorry, I guess I must have worded this thread weirdly. Thylek, since the War is on Delta V territory between the Legions and Exiles, and since most NPCS are aligned with Legion or Exile then it'll be fun if they can contribute to the war too. Now what I am suggesting is not for them to fight in 2v2's or something, although thta would be a neat idea mother! What I am suggesting is that NPCs have a an extra line in their Chatbox that says "This NPC has contributed ________ influence towards this war". They don't really have to animately move, though I LOVE Mothers idea! All I am suggesting is either NPCS contribute a certain percentage of influence every day or let us be able to invest credits in NPCS for them to do special attacks to war objectives.

Example: TItan would have a button that you cna press to hire him to make Bacon Fall from the sky and deal damage equivalent to 10 bombs.

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